Chapter 2

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By the way I have no clue what the video is for just wanted to add it.

The next morning I woke to the sun shining in my face through the crack of my curtains. I groaned not wanting to get up then I remembered that I was in the hotel with my group, and I got up and ran to my closet and picked out a nice outfit to were but not to nice since I knew I wasn't doing anything that need a fancy outfit. I walked out to the main room and saw Buster typing away in him laptop as Gunter was talking and dancing in front of him. Rosita and Ash must still be in bed, Meena was in the kitchen baking who knows what and Johnny was sitting at the table while Mrs. Crawly was looking at newspapers and stuff like that. I walked over to the table were Johnny was sitting and saw a newspaper that was from a while ago and the only way I could tell was because most of it was about my dad's arrest, I picked up the paper and slowly started to read. "Maddie." I heard a voice call my name from behind me and I turned to see Buster, standing with a worried expression, "are you alright?" I asked not knowing what happened to make him look so worried.

"I should ask you that when was the last time you talked to him." He asked and all I could do was hold my tears in and try not to cry in front of them, I stood up and walked to my room and I could here them yelling for me to come back I just couldn't talk about him right now.

I was sitting in my room staring at the ceiling everyone would come and ask if I wanted to talk but when I didn't answer they took that as a no. After about an hour of doing nothing I finally got up fixed my hair and makeup but before I was halfway through my makeup there was a gentle knock on my door, "Maddie hey it Umm it's Johnny can I come in please?" He sounded so sweet and gentle, "come in." I said finishing up my makeup and sitting on my bed, Johnny walked in with a red box of something in his hands and Buster was behind him, "Maddie you don't have to talk but please come back out there we could use your help with some of this." I giggled a little, "you didn't have to come in here to tell me that I was just about to go out there." "Oh ok we'll hurry up we could use you help." Buster said before walking out the door.

"Well I got this to help cheer you up but I don't think you need them as much anymore." Johnny said before handing me the box and then he started to walk away. I opened the box and saw chocolate, "John-" I was going to thank him but when I looked up he was gone. I smiled to my self a slightly blushed, I put the top back on the box and set it on my desk and walked out to meet the others. "Ok so what do you all need help with?" I asked putting on a big smile and they all returned one back, "can you tell the people that will be building the setting that we need another day to figure out what needs to happen." Buster asked me, "of course." As I was walking to the door I saw Johnny talking to Mrs Crawly about Clay Calloway. I walked up and leaned down to whisper in his ear, "thank you for the gift." I saw him smile and I swear he blushed a little but I brushed it off and went to take care of the workers.

As I walked out I saw a big group of guys they all had blueprints and construction helmets on. "Hey you guys must be the people that will be making the backgrounds for the show." "Yes we are now when do we start and what is it supposed to look like?" A big guy in the front asked, "tomorrow morning which means you all can go home or do whatever you need to today because we're not ready for you to build yet." I told them,  "sorry sweetheart but we were told we start today." "Don't ever call me sweetheart and you start when I say you start." The man started to walk closer and get in my face, "you a real bitch you know that." And I just smiled "and you a real pain in my ass, now you all start tomorrow around 9:30 be here got that good now leave." I said before walking in the room and eyes were on me. "What you all look like you just saw a ghost or something." I said walking to the kitchen to get snack, "you jus went off on that guy out there." Ash said in awe, "yea and it won't be the last time I do it because I can already tell that they are going to cause problems."

It was around 5 in the afternoon and I didn't really want to make food for dinner so offered to take them to my favorite restaurant in the city. We all got in the limo and started to make out way to the restaurant, it was like a 20 minute drive form the hotel so we had some time to talk about ideas for the show. Once we arrived everyone got out and walked to the doors. "I'll be damned I didn't think I'd see your face again," I heard someone say as I looked through my bag for my wallet, I looked up and met eyes with an old friend of mine Katie. "Hey Katie long time no see." I said as I walked up and gave her a hug, "how many." She asked referring to the people, "oh umm 8" "perfect let's get you to a table." Once Katie got us our table we sat and it was perfect for us since there was four chairs in each side. On my side it was Ash, me, Johnny, and Mrs. Crawly and on the other side it was Buster, Meena, Rosita and Gunter.

After Katie took our order for drinks she came back with a worried look, "Maddie I need you help." She trying whisper but she didn't do it well since Johnny heard her. "With what?" "Milo is here." All I needed to here was that name for all the anger and rage that I was holding back for so long to be let out. "Maddie please don't do anything stupid." She asked not whispering anymore which got the attention of the others, "I won't I'm just going to tell him he's not welcome here." I tried my best to sound calm but how could I he is the reason my dad is gone he's the reason I ended up in the hospital for over a week every month he is the reason I tried to kill my self.

Ok so here is what might happen in the next chapter. Maddie ends up losing her cool once she sees Milo. After that the others start to ask why she did it and then she tells them about her past more, even Buster didn't even know about some of it.

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