Start from the beginning

Antares smirked.

Soldier-Oh? You don't think I can do it?

Antares sighed and stood up and became his animal form, holding his scythe of death.

Antares-You know you should never address a Guardian in that manner...

The soldier was taken aback but he held on to his weapon and charged as Antares extended his hand and the soldier ran into his hand, the moment the soldier's forehead touched Antares's hand, he turned to ashes. Antares tried to walk away as he heard the ashes talk, the guardian turned and looked at it.

Ashes-No matter what you do, he will win!

Antares-Victory...you think there's a victory in war? You think he will win?...win what! Look at this place! The creatures are gone! The kingdoms are destroyed! Is this winning to you?...truth is there's no victory in war only loss and those who support war and take sides are the sheep who think there's a victory in murder!

Pavel appeared.

Pavel-Who are you talking to?

Antares-No one...


Antares looked at Pavel, his dark eyes glowing.

Antares-Are you afraid of me?

Pavel-I'm proud of you...

Antares looked at Pavel.

Pavel-And if you promise me to survive this, I'll get you as many perverted scrolls as you want.

Antares smirked.

Antares-Bribing me to survive?

Pavel smiled.

Antares-I'll try my very best.

Pavel smiled.





Celeste and Jupi were walking in the magnificent glowing gardens of the castle.

Celeste-You wanted to see me?

Jupi-How is the training going?

Celeste-Very good, but I miss you and Miranda

Jupi-Celeste you know you will always have my loyalty...

Celeste looked at him and smiled.


He stopped walking as he looked into Celeste's eyes.

Jupi-I want you to become my queen.


Jupi-I mustered all my courage to...

Celeste-I will always love and admire you, Jupi you are kind and brave but I never looked at you as a lover.

Jupi kept quiet and put his head down.

Celeste-I know you will find your beloved and I will be here cheering you on.

Jupi-I don't think that is possible for me.

Celeste looked at him.

Jupi-I was made to love you my fair Guardian...

Celeste kept quiet. On the battled field Celeste was remembering her past and fighting Mars.

Mars-You little.

Celeste-I'm disappointed in you father you are too weak!

Mars was raging his anger was visible as he started to get faster. Celeste smirked.

LUMINOUS: CELESTE THE IMMORTAL Where stories live. Discover now