Realizing the time, Cassandra finally decided to head back to where she was supposed to go. However, turning back, she swiftly saw the Slytherin gang Regulus Black was part of, so she made her mind about making a quick detour to avoid them. 

Turning to a next corridor, she began running, hoping she wouldn't be late. Alas, entering a new path, Cassandra rushed into two person very close, maybe too close, to each other.

'Oh fuck'

She just interrupted James Potter's best friend, Sirius Black, in the midst of a making-out session with a sixth year Ravenclaw. It was one of the last thing she wanted to deal with right now.

Looking at him, she saw a quick animosity lightning in his gaze, but it quickly disappeared. He was now looking at her curiously, almost amusingly, somehow wondering why some dishevelled, out-of-breath girl who interrupted his quite distracting making-out session, was now staring back and forth between him and the corridor behind.

"Are you going to ask her to leave so that we can continue?" Cassandra heard the Ravenclaw say.

"Yes, please continue, I'm late to class. Don't let me disturb..."-she scrunched up her nose-"whatever you were doing," she replied, pointing her finger between them. She took a step forward to move past the couple, but the Gryffindor blocked her by the arm.

"What class are you heading for?" He asked, grinning. 

She removed her arm from his grip, and controlled the urge of rolling her eyes. 

"Transfiguration." She then became to walk away as fast as she could, to avoid the situation she was in and potentially the boy that was involved in it, but also the one that she will have to face if she couldn't get any faster to McGonagall's classroom.

Unfortunately, she heard footsteps behind her and began to walk even faster, if that was even possible. Cassandra successfully did all the things she had and wanted to do this morning, but running into Hogwarts' most famous womanizer so early certainly was crushing her mood at the moment.

"If you're not slowing down in two seconds, I'll consider that lightning has got some competition."

"Maybe it does. Can you leave me now please, I'm just trying to get on time to my class." She slowed down, seeing the classroom door appear, and tried to catch her breath and to regain composure before entering. Her morning run had make her cheeks go slightly pink, and strands of hair were falling into her face. She stood in front of the door, breathing deeply and soothing her shirt, and stared at the black-haired boy. 

"Your company is now not needed nor requested. You may leave, my classroom is right here," she said trying to keep a pleasant face.

His grin only grew wider and he turned to face the door.

"Go on then."

Not reassured by his smile, Cassandra knocked and opened the door, seeing everyone already sitted.

"I'm really sorry for being late professor. It won't happen again,' she said quietly.

"As for myself,"-Cassandra eyes grew wild-"it will probably happen again Minnie, but I am also truly sorry about it." She turned to face him. He was without doubt mocking her, his hand on his heart. She rolled her eyes and waited for her professor to answer.

"Ten points from Gryffindor Mr Black, for arriving late AGAIN. As for you Miss Delage, considering it's the first time in six years, which I'm very surprised of, I'm giving you one chance. You may now both sit where you want, the class was just beginning," replied the professor, who chose to ignore the nickname Sirius Black just gave her.

There was only one table free at the back, and one place next to Marlene. Cassandra joined her friend who was giving her a meaningful look. And then it hit her.

She just have been seen entering a classroom with the infamous ladies' man Sirius Black, breathless, badly dressed and her hair messy. 

'Oh Merlin, this day is gonna be very long.'


I loved writing this chapter, it was so cool to imagine all of it. And... FIRST CASSANDRA/SIRIUS ENCOUNTER IN THE BOOK (yey).

I had this MEGA deja-vu while writing the girls scene in the dormitory, but I don't know if it is because I already imagined it before or if it is because I read it somewhere else. So, obviously, tell me if you've seen it elsewhere so that I can do something about it.

I'm sick af right now, therefore I've got some time on my hands. I'm going to begin to write the next chapter, and see when I post it.

Thank you for reading ;)

[DISCONTINUED] Prudent - Sirius Black x OCWhere stories live. Discover now