No Life Queen: Alucard X Reader

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Alucard stared down at the young girl as she walked home. A smile on his face as he heard her sing to herself quietly. Her (H/L) hair blew in the wind as she closed her beautiful (E/C) eyes. The No Life King had been watching over her since he picked up her scent a while back on one of his missions. Smiling to himself he watched as she turn towards a house and walked up the steps. Once at the door she pulled out a golden key and entered the house.

Once she was inside he disappears into the shadows and watches her quietly as she throws her book bag on the floor and walking to the kitchen. As she enters she notices a note on the fridge. Going over and picking it up she beings to read the note to herself.

'Dear (Y/N),

Sorry that we're not here when you get home. But me and your father got a call from the office and had to leave right away. We'll be back late so dinners in the oven if you get hungry.

Love Mom,'

Sighing (Y/N) ripped the note in half before throwing it away. After that she went to the oven and got her dinner. Once she finished eating she grabs her book bag and went up to her room to do some homework.


Alucard appeared from the shadows and watched the sleeping girl who had passed out while trying to do her math homework. Laughing he quietly put her homework and books away, then putting her to bed. Once (Y/N) was settled, he bend down moving her (H/C) locks to the side before kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight, my No Life Queen" he whispered before disappearing.

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