Chapter 43

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Scorpius came home and he walks up the stairs and sees me asleep on the couch and Draco puts a hand on his shoulder

"Don't worry scorp she may not remember you but she's still your mother ok? And I've told her so much about you so don't worry ok?" Draco says and scorpius nods

"I'll just wait until she wakes up I'll be in my room if you need me."  Scorpius says and Draco nods and goes to make some tea and lunch

When I woke up I see Draco talking to a little boy he was the boy Draco called scorpius? He's my 11 year old son I believe

Draco notices I'm awake and smiles

"I made tea you want some y/n? It'll help you take the stuff you need to take." Draco says and I nod as the kid was very awkward and wasn't even looking at me he seemed sad

And I felt bad I wanna remember my own son this ain't fair he doesn't deserve this his mother can't even remember his name

"Hi." I say to him and he shyly waves to me which he shouldn't be shy to his own mother

"Um hi." Scorpius says and Draco smiles at scorpius

"Hey no need to be shy she's still your mother scorp." Draco says and scorpius nods

"I'm sorry I just don't know what to do." Scorpius says and Draco hugs him knowing this is hard on him

"It's ok scorp I know this is hard it's hard for all of us but we'll figure this out as a family." Draco says and scorpius hugs Draco tighter as he starts crying and I walk over and put my hand on his back, I may not remember him but I don't wanna see him cry

'I wanna remember quickly I need to for my kids they don't deserve this.'

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