Part 4

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Due to my workday being completely destroyed by canceled meetings and all, I was able to sit down and edit the last part ;) I tried to keep the adult scene away from becoming explicit content --huh, so unlike me!-- so, enjoy!

Love you all!


MC went to her room, hands shaking and her heartbeat erratic. She'd expected that the man would have such an effect on her... but that was way too much.

She felt as if she'd gone crazy.

Maybe she had.

Yet, he'd clearly stated there would be nothing happening between them.

So, why was she still hoping for something? Why was she so affected by his touch?

Sighing, MC changed into her bed shorts and a sleep bra, her usual bed set. Then, she lied down, hoping to calm her mind, but, obviously, couldn't sleep.

She was tossing and turning, at the same time thinking about the man soon disappearing from her life once again. She didn't want him gone. She wanted him around, she wanted him with her. Right beside her.

When the thoughts became too much, she started crying silently, already mourning Jake's departure.

Was she the only one who could feel that she belonged to him, and he belonged to her? Could he also feel it whenever they touched, or was it just her imagination? He seemed to reciprocate her feelings, but what if he was just acting in the heat of the moment?

She closed her eyes to see his face right in front of her. She wanted to touch him. To feel him and to taste him.

She'd waited for him for so long.

Or at least it felt that way because, in reality, it had been a little over two weeks.

Suddenly, she realized, she didn't care about the consequences anymore.

She wanted to miss something more physical of him, not only their conversations. Not a hug... she wanted to know how his lips felt against hers and how soft his hair is between her fingers at the very least.

Which was why, the moment she'd made that decision, she jumped out of her bed and rushed to the door. She was on the way to his room, to see him and see where it would take them.

Yet, when she threw the door open, she almost ran face-first into Jake himself.

"Ah!" She gasped and stopped.

He was standing there, frozen, with wide eyes. He was thunderstruck; whether it was because he'd been discovered like that or upon seeing her frantic, she was unsure.

She couldn't breathe from excitement. Her skin prickled under the night air as she waited for the man to say something, anything.

Please, she thought.

"Excuse me," Jake was visibly uneasy. He was out of breath as well. "I, um, I just... I don't... I mean I can't—"

"Me neither." She panted out.

She was breathing through open mouth, giddy.

Please, go on.


Visibly, the way she said his name snapped something in him for he took one last step separating them and uttered desperately:

"MC, I... I need you."

That was enough for her. She reached up and fisted his T-shirt with both hands. With a yank, she brought him down to kiss him at the very last...

And the world stopped.

Earn My TrustDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora