ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔈𝔩𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫: Royalty

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𝒜𝒽𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓈𝑒 𝓉𝓌𝑜. 𝐼𝓃 𝒶 𝒻𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎'𝓇𝑒 𝓁𝑒𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓁. 𝒜𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽 𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇, 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓂𝑒𝓁𝓉.


Loki felt the weight of his head forcing himself into consciousness. The mist that clouded his brain was clearing, and with it went any remaining poison in his system.

He sensed Wanda at his bedside before he saw her. Her magic was almost impossible to ignore - chaos like that demanded to be felt.

Wanda was looking at him as he forced his eyes to open, her face a complex mix of emotions. Rage, fear but most obviously, relief.

Whilst he was not the best at emotions, Loki understood the power behind the soulmate bond and the kind of grief one would suffer should they lose their soulmate. With a power like Wanda's, her grief could have caused the end of the world.

"Morning." He groaned

"Evening, actually." Wanda replied, playfully.

He'd been asleep for most of the day, occasionally murmuring in his sleep but overall remaining unconscious. Wanda had seldom left him - only when her brother had forced her away, under the pretence of taking care of herself, did she leave his bedside. She didn't want to be away from him when he finally woke up.

He could feel his energy returning - he was almost at full strength again. At which point he would go back to the Avengers and make them pay. He had always been particularly fond of revenge.

For now though, he would lie and appreciate the witch that sat beside him. He never thought he would have something like this, something that was purely his own - not Thor's, but his. Someone to care for him, prioritise him. It felt nice.

However, his good mood evaporated when he truly took a look at Wanda. She was incredibly pale. Dark circles hovered under her eyes - no doubt she lost sleep watching over him.

Once again he cursed the Avengers. They were the reason that he was lying on a sickbed, they were the reason Wanda had been awake night and day worrying over him. They risked Wanda's happiness - not to mention her life - because they couldn't get past their own distrust of him.

Regardless of what Thor had told them about New York - Loki's lack of control after his time with Thanos - his imprisonment and torture. They didn't believe Thor when he said Loki was not at fault - or at least, not as at fault as they originally believed. Thor was his brother, and yet the Avengers thought they knew Loki's thoughts and intentions better than he did.

Loki made a move to sit up in bed. He'd been unconscious for far too long. He'd only gotten half way into his plans before his unfortunate poisoning forced him to stop.

"Woah, no you don't" Wanda rested a hand on his shoulder, trying to coax him to lie back down. "You've been unconscious for hours. You may be a god but you still need to rest."

"Perks of being a God, darling." Loki tried to hide the groan of pain from his words. Judging by the raised eyebrow Wanda gave him, he failed. "I heal fast."

"But not that fast." She tried to push him back into bed but there was no stopping him. He needed to return to Jotunheim, consolidate its power - before he came back and wreaked havoc on the Avengers.

He stood and crossed the room quickly, glad when he didn't stumble. He pulled on his coat, which usually serves as pretty decent armour - he'd have to get that fixed.

"As much as I delight in having you worry over me," Loki smirked as Wanda looked away with blush dusting her cheeks, "I've quite the busy day."

He rummaged around for his wrist cuffs - they had crystals hidden within for multiple purposes; applifying power, healing spells and the like.

"Such as?" Wanda asked, daring him to provide a decent enough reason to leave his sickbed before she was satisfied with his recovery. One had rested on her hip, the other one holding his wrist cuffs.

He huffed in amusement. If anyone else had attempted to prevent him leaving the way that she had, they would end up with a knife in their gut - even Thor knew not to test him.

It was a testament to how powerful soulmate magic was - he'd only officially met Wanda the day previous, yet the attachment he felt for her was extraordinary. Should anyone attempt to take her from him, he would make sure the world ended in fire and chaos.

"I've only just taken my throne and my rule is not stable. I need to solidify my power before Laufey's allies get any ideas."

"Quite the agenda you've got there."

He huffed - he'd never had anyone to have these playful conversations with him. Loki's humour consisted of witty quips that Thor never understood, a level of intelligence that his brother's friends did not possess, and sly comments on Odin's politics that usually earned him his 'father's' ire.

"Well we wouldn't want an army of Jotuns to invade, led by someone seeking revenge for taking 'their' throne."

Wanda hummed. Loki held out his hand expectantly, raised a brow and nodded to the wrist cuffs that Wanda still held in her hands. She rolled her eyes playfully and handed them over.

"If you're the King of Jotunheim," she teased with a flourish of her hands, "does that make me the queen."

He grinned. Technically she was right, soulmate magic created a bond stronger than all marriage - both magical and human. So by default, she was the Queen of Jotunheim.

He was unsure of how the frost giants would react to the revelation - they weren't known for being particularly welcoming. However, if they were to remain loyal to the throne, any grievances they may have would be kept silent.

"I suppose."

God of Mischief as King, the Scarlet Witch as Queen and a military might that rivalled the entire cosmos.

No one would dare cross them now.

Kindred Souls • ScarletFrost [SLOW UPDATES] ✗Where stories live. Discover now