Chapter one

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The job wasn't going exactly to plan.

The bank was being surrounded, and we were running along rooftops, bags of cash and bonds in our saddlebags slung over our shoulders as we all were running, trying to not be shot.

Just as we were running down a street of Blackwater, trying to stick to the shadows but get past the church as the trolley station would be a place we could get out of their faster.

Our horses were too far, and we needed a way out quickly before we would be arrested and hung for our growing list of crimes.

A woman, blonde, young and quite pretty actually, she had a police officer walking quickly after her as she was staring at me as my bandana slipped, letting the sun see all of my face.

Shit. She saw my face.

"Arthur," I nudged him as we were trying to act normal, but trying to run.

"She just saw my face, that woman behind us."

Arthur glanced back and shoved me forward before he told Dutch, our gang leader as we kept trying to make it down the street with the law searching the bank.

"Excuse me, sir," Dutch stopped walking, his red checkered bandana off his face now and he was walking towards the woman and the police officer.

"Back away sir, this woman is to be arrested for suspicion of thievery." The police officer said, obviously not knowing about the bank robbery and our descriptions.

The woman stared at us, her light blue dress smoothed by trembling fingers as Dutch spoke.

"Oh? She's only in such a rush to get to her wedding, here. If you excuse me, we shouldn't keep her groom waiting!" He grabbed her arm, dragging her along and forcing us all into the church.

But the officer of the law followed.

"Who's the groom?" He asked with suspicious eyes as we were inside the church now, not that any of us had been in a church for ages, but we knew to go up front to the priest.

"Mr Marston here, he's quite nervous though," Dutch narrows his eyes at me, nodding for me to take off my hat and get over beside the woman. "Nervous enough to forget how to present himself."

The blonde woman went to protest, then the officer ordered the old, nearly about to crawl into a grave aged priest to marry us already, since he wanted to confirm that she wasn't a thief, and if we were in such a rush, then it should be done quickly.

"Now, you," I provided my name even though I had a really bad feeling about this. I just hoped we would pretend the ceremony, then not actually sign the certificate - making this wedding all a sham.

"John Marston." The priest nodded in acknowledgment and smiled weakly, being so old that his entire face wrinkled. Maybe his age was helpful to us since he was old enough to not know we were faking this marriage. "And you, John, take," he eyeballed the woman now as she looked very stunned, like she couldn't believe she had gotten looped into this.

"Elizabeth Mauve." Her voice was soft, she clearly was a woman from a richer part of West Elizabeth, not like the women we had apart of our gang - thieves, prostitutes, and desperate women.

"-Elizabeth, to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love, and to cherish, to hold and to protect, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in life and in death?"

The room was silent for a very long pause. I had no idea what I was supposed to say!

Charles nudged me with his foot. "You say I do,"

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