Chapter 1 (prologue)

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(A/N: Hey everyone! :D so this is my first fanfic! Just wanted to point out that this chapter takes place in this world, trust me, it'll get better!)

Y/N's POV:
I had arrived from a long day of work, tired as always. So I did what most people did to unwind, watch some t.v or play video games, but to be honest, it was getting kind of boring doing the same thing over and over again.

I sat in thought for a minute, "Let's see...what what should I do that actually sounds fun?..." the idea of hanging out with friends crossed my mind, I ignored that thought mostly because I really didn't have any friends. The only friends I did have weren't exactly my friends anymore or just weren't close enough to actually consider friends.

Then, I had an idea. Maybe I could go for a walk! It would probably clear my mind and besides, I could use some fresh air!
I grabbed my phone, keys, and a jacket (Y'know, since it's Fall) and I opened the door, starting on the path.

My house was near a large forest. I had always wanted to go there but never really had time. So, of course I was gonna go in there!

I had arrived at a few trees at the start of the forest and continued walking. I had to admit, it was actually really nice walking here, I really should do it more often!

Hours had passed of me exploring the woods until I realized it was almost getting dark. "Oh shit..." I said. Thankfully, my phone had a flashlight. "Alright, hopefully I remember which way I went" I said optimistically.

I had been walking for at least half an hour and still no luck. I thought about just probably spending the night in the woods until in the distance, I saw something on the ground, or more like in the ground? It was a hole, at least the size of a big armchair or a small couch.

"What the hell?" I used my phone's flashlight to get a better look at how deep the hole was, No luck with that. It looked kinda like a ditch but super deep. For second, I had a thought of jumping down and exploring it, on the other hand, what if I got stuck in there? I could never get out. I sat in thought again.

"Should I go in? Would I ever get out? How deep even is it? What if I never get out?! I mean, it could be like Alice In Wonderland! It probably won't. Would people even look for me? Would people even care I was gone?"

The answer to last two were probably no. I hadn't seen my family in years, they hardly even contacted me after I left to live by myself and always declined my calls. I was never really close to my siblings either since I always knew I was the least favourite. I already knew my case with friends and thought about my favourite pastimes, I had already finished every video game I had and had binged most shows that I liked already (even more than once!) I already hated my job, so I guess I had made my choice.

I made my way down the hole.

But here's the thing, I thought it was a shallow hole, boy was I wrong.

I realized I had been falling for more time than I expected and finally thought I was gonna fall to my death. I started screaming loudly and prepared myself for the impact but there was nothing going on. I was just screaming and flailing my arms while my body was moving downward. A few more minutes had passed and thankfully, I could see something in the distance. It looked like a blue mirror but with a blurry reflection and before I even knew it, I had gone through it. Yep, you heard me right, through it. Then finally I had landed, softly. I wasn't sure if I should open my eyes or not but after a mental debate with myself, I did it, and boy was I not prepared for what was before me.

A/N: yo! How was the first chapter? Did you guys like it? Anyways, don't worry! The next chapter starts in Inkwell Isle! (Were those spoilers? Sorry lol, I mean, we all expected it at the least lol)

Word Count: 746

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