Chapter 2 ''From past to present''

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Things got a bit awkward after Breyden said he didn't have time for that shit and locked himself in his room. Way to go Hope! We were still standing in the middle of the living room without anything to say.

''What an asscock!'' well, everyone except Jade.

''Shut up! He can probably hear you.'' I really didn't want to piss him off even more then I already did. Things weren't going my way.

''Please bitch! You don't have that kind of money to pay me to be quiet when there is so much to say.''

I guess they found the whole situation funny. The twins were laughing like hyenas by now reminding themselves how I served Breyden's ass to him just few minutes ago.

Ok, so I admit that hearing it from their point of view was pretty hilarious, but how was I supposed to face Breyden this morning? I should make a plan or at least think how to explain it to him. He'll have so many questions. Why I haven't contacted them before? Where I was? What was I doing here?

I knew him so many years ago. I knew a boy he was then, but from what I've seen so far there's a long way before me to get to know a man he is now. I really want to do it. I hope he will let me do it.

So I need a plan. A very good plan.


With that amazingly optimistic way of thinking I left crazy kids and went back to my room. I didn't even bother with Game of Thrones anymore and went straight to sleep.


As always I was up before anyone else after only few hours of sleep. Nothing new there. The temperature in Tucson was already high enough to melt me. When I took Romeo for a walk I was surrounded by hot dry air making me sweat like a pig even wearing shorts and white t-shirt. With a sun like that I get a tan in no time. Yay!

When I got back I took a shower and changed in fresh clothes. I brushed my dark brown hair and left it falling almost to my waist. I looked in the full length mirror and smiled to myself.

Ok, so now's probably time to tell you that I've got shorts fetish. Before you say anything I have to explain. I don't like them super short. I don't wear only shorts. I just like shorst with funny words or pictures. Nothing creepy.

In the kitchen I plugged in my IPod and got to work on our breakfast. I knew the smell of food will be enough to get Jade from her bed - and ok - maybe I was hoping to get some points from Breyden as well or at least say sorry for last night.

As expected Jade came to the kitchen just few minutes later with her eyes only half open covering her yawn. She sat down at breakfast bar table separating the kitchen from living room. Have I mentioned how I love this open plan design?

''Ok, so since we're alone for now please explain to me again why we moved in with crazy bunch?'' my sweet Jade always a bit slow in the morning.

You see, not everyone has perfect life. By perfect I mean both parents, home, siblings maybe even a dog. That's how I visualized it as a small girl. I remember how I used to lock myself in my room and think about all those thinks I never had.

The only thing I had was my mom. She wasn't much of a mother to be honest. More often than not she was drunk or high or even both. I didn't like staying home when she was there. The men she usually brought with her were lot worse. They weren't trying to hide that they were there only for one thing and one thing only, and sometimes they weren't bothered to even take it to the bedroom.

Everytime I wanted to get out I would sneak out through the back door and run next door to Mrs Anderson's house. She always welcomed me with open arms and plate of cookies. Mrs Anderson was an amazing woman, raising three boys but finding time for a stray like me. She was kind with a smile on her face and this amazing glow aroud her that make you think about warm sunny days.

The Anderson twins - Travis and Kyle - were only two years older. Both with dark eyes and dark brown hair identical in looks but so different in personality. Travis was so alive, running everywhere without time for anything. He could make me laugh despite my home situation. Even when we all sit around you could just feel that energy buzzing under his skin. Kyle on the other hand was a gentle soul, not loud but strongly present with a kind heart for everyone (even all those dogs and cats he brought home).

And then there was Breyden - the oldest brother. Breyden was... everything. He was the responsible one. He was the caring one. He was the boy who stayed up all night with me when I was afraid of nightmares. He was the one taking care of me and playing with me when my mom couldn't be bother to come home for a few days. Boys his age were playing soccer or video games, but Breyden was making sure I had food and clothes that fit me. He was my world.

Maybe my life wasn't perfect but I found family outside of my family and life was good. Well, as good as it could be considering everything, but I had Anderson's and that was enough for me.

So you can imagine how suprised I was when one night the police came to my house. I was five and like many other times my mom wasn't home. I thought if I just stay quiet they would just go away. But then I've heard Mrs Anderson telling me to open the door. I got worried because she didn't sound like herself, so I opened the door. Mrs Anderson stood there looking very upset together with two police officers and a lady I've never seen before.

My mom died that night. OD'ed in some night club. As bad as it sounds I wasn't even sad. I understood what happened but didn't have it in me to care. She never tought me to care about her. The lady who came with the police was from social services. She had to take me with her until they could find my dad or any other relatives. Mrs Anderson said I could stay with them but apparently it was againt the law. That scared me more than my mom's death. Being taken away from the only family that ever took care of me and loved me.

No matter how much I cried and begged I had to pack my things and leave with the social worker.

Mrs Anderson brought Travis and Kyle so I could say goodbye. At first I didn't want to see them. At age of five I was convinced that if I won't say it, it won't be real. If I won't say 'goodbye' I can stay. But the twins came to me and I think maybe even understood my strange logic because they didn't say anything, they just hugged me until it was time for me to go. I wasn't upset about Breyden not being there I knew he was away playing football and he will come and see me. He promised me he will come and see me when his back and Breyden never broke his promise.

So the social worker took me and then my dad came the next day. It was scary because my mom never said anything about him. He was terrifying looking with his six foot three inches full of muscles and head of dark hair and violet eyes just like mine and when he told me that from now on I've got him and my older brother waiting for me I left.

Breyden never came...


So chapter two is on and anyone who is reading this I am so sorry for the delay but things are hectic lately.

And again sorry for any mistakes as English isn't my first language:)

Hope U enjoy it. Vote comment ans share!


Camila xxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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