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Omg!!! I am late today.... Gosh tht principle will eat will alive today.... Just he was in hurry someone called jimin saw the caller I'd and lifted the call...


JIMIN: Shut the hell up Kim Taehyung!!!! I am on my way!!!

(With tht he cut the call and after few minutes he reached the clg he saw tht he was on time... But he need to rush so he immediately went inside the principle cabin and said)

JIMIN: Good morning sir.... * bow *

PRIN: Mrng Mr. Park.... U may pls proceed to ur class....

JIMIN: Sure sir thank you..

(With tht JIMIN left to the staff room and saw tae there and tae asked him...)

TAE: Wait u came so fast??.... He didn't scold you??

JIMIN: I am in time pabo!!

(Then tae saw his watch and saw tht JIMIN was right and tae said)

TAE: Guess I missed the chance today as well.....

(JIMIN looked at him In disbelief and said)

JIMIN: U really want me to get scolding huh??

TAE: Maybe *sticks his tongue out *

JIMIN: I don't have time for ur Silliness ....

(With tht he took his books and went inside the class and saw tht y/n was telling the class to take out there book of there first class as she is the class representative.... Then JIMIN said)

JIMIN: Good morning students

STUDENTS: Good mrng sir...!!!

JIMIN: So today we will do this lesson.....

(With tht he started the lecture and after tht class he said)

JIMIN: Y/n collect all the project books and bring to my cabin...

(Y/n nodded her head and jimin went out and y/n said to her bestie jisoo)

Y/N: It's really hard being a class head.....

JISOO: I know but u r really good at it....

Y/N: Hmm... I will keep this books and be back in a min....

(Jisoo nodded her head and took the books and went towards jimins cabina and kept the books and jimin said)

JIMIN: Did everyone submitted the books...

Y/N: Yes sir.. They did...

(JIMIN just nodded his head and y/n went out and came inside the class and jisoo said)

JISOO: Y/ we have history class.....

Y/N: God.... Not again... Plss.... I am already tired....

JISOO: I know.... But we have to attend it... So let's go yeah...

Y/N: Yeah.....

(With tht they got ready for there history class)

Hope you all liked this part sry for any mistakes .... Will try to post the next part soon

To be continued

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