1 - new beginnings.

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tw : alcohol use and very small mention of drug use. be safe and enjoy <3
word count: 4200

it had been three whole years since graduation. y/n kept very limited contact with their old friends and really only spoke to the ones they were really close with. after graduation, y/n had been taking it pretty easy. they lived alone in an apartment and kept a small job to keep them on their feet. they hung out with their best friend, niki a lot. they often spent hours of their days hanging out together on either one's couch or bedrooms. listening to music, doing some work, watching movies, just overall enjoying each other's presence. but other than that, niki was the more social one. she was often the one making plans to go out to public places, asking y/n to come with her to meet new people. meanwhile y/n would normally ask her to come over to just chill at home.

things were changing though, it was a few days until the new year had begun. y/n had made their own private new years resolution, to get more social. meanwhile keeping all sort of negativity out of their life. keeping it as positive while trying to meet new people and make more memories. they used to be more social in college, out partying and making tons of friends. but things had died down after they graduated, calming down and taking things slower paced. over the years they've sheltered themselves more and had become more introverted. but they didn't necessarily want that.
as they as the light from their phone shined brightly in their face, covered up in the comfort and warmth of their comforter. the only other light in the room being the subtle moonlight from the window. their messages were open as an old friend had reached out to them about a new years eve party. they were notified that more of their friends and acquaintances from college were going to be there as well.

this was their chance, to start off their new year with exactly what they wanted to do more of. this would be a perfect opportunity to start that off. they quickly opened their messages with niki, texting her as well and asking if she had gotten the invite as well. after niki had told them yes, they went back to the invite message.

'awesome! send me the address!!'

they quickly typed and sent the message. as they waited for a response they decided to call niki. putting their phone on speaker as they checked the time on the clock on their bedside table. the clock read 11:07pm, not too late. it was a friday after all so it's not like they had to worry about work.

their phone hummed as they waited for niki to pick up.

"hey! what'd you say back to ash?" their best friend's soft voice asked, y/n sighed as they shrugged to themself, "well, i said yeah. i'm really only going because you are, and ash is cool and i miss seeing him." y/n replied a little on the edge about the whole ordeal. niki giggled quietly on the other end, not wanting to wake up her roommate. "understandable for you. i'm glad you're getting out of your shell though! it'll be nice seeing old friends, i think you'll have a lot of fun." she reassures, making y/n exhale softer.
they nod to themself, "i agree. anyways, what are you doing tomorrow?" they ask, trying to change the subject from the outing. "i have work again. sunday i don't have anything, though. we can go shopping or something like that for something to wear on new years?" niki asked. y/n thought for a minute, making sure they had nothing going on sunday as well. after a second of thought, y/n replied "yeah that's fine. just let me know more details tomorrow like when you wanna go and such." y/n said, opening up pinterest for some inspiration on an outfit.
"alrighty, i think i might get some sleep now. night night y/n! sleep well. love you!" niki said softly, sounding tired even over the phone. "okay! sleep well, i love you too!" y/n responded, being met with a gentle series of beeps.

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