Robbie leaves and goes to Club Avalon, when he arrives he sees Andre sitting at he bar. He walks over to him.

"Hey, Andre", Robbie says.

"What's up Rob?", Andre says.

"What are you doing here?", Robbie asks.

"I was meeting some producers here for one of my clients", Andre says.

"Oh ok, how is everything?", Robbie asks.

"Everything's cool, outside of all my furniture being ruined", André says.

"Yeah, I know that must be devastating, but I was actually asking...", Robbie starts.

"How am I feeling about the Beck situation?", Andre says finishing his sentence.

"Well, yeah", Robbie says.

"Well, to answer your question, I'm not feeling anything, I didn't do anything wrong", Andre says.

"Well, I mean in Becks eyes, it was more than just a stupid crush, it was a stab in the back, I mean it's like this", Robbie says, "You like someone that he's in love with, and instead of you being happy for them, you want to be in his place, now I'm not saying that's true but it's how it comes off".

"Well I already apologized for everything, but if he wants to hold a grudge about a crush from high school, then that's on him", Andre says, "But honestly, I'm tired of talking about this, so either join me for drinks or leave me alone".

"I would but I'm actually here to meet Beck, he should be here any minute, you can join us if you want, it would give you two some time to talk", Robbie says.

"Actually, that's my cue to leave", Andre says, "I have to meet Tori anyway".

Robbie shakes his head.

"You can't avoid seeing Beck forever, your excuses will run out", Robbie says.

"I'm not avoiding him, he told me he never wanted to see me again, I'm just following his wishes", Andre says.

Andre throws some money on the Bar to pay for his drinks and walks away. Robbie walks to a private booth in the back. After a few minutes, Beck arrives and walks back to meet Robbie.

"Hey Rob", Beck says sitting down.

"What's up muchacho", Robbie says.

Beck stares at Robbie without saying anything.

"And I won't call you that anymore", Robbie says.

Beck laughs and shakes his head.

"This is a sick section, how did you manage to get us a private booth", Beck says.

"I have connections, I do a few stand up shows here so they accommodate me", Robbie says.

"That's amazing Rob", Beck says.

Just then a waitress brings over 2 drinks.

"Thank You", Robbie says taking the drinks.

"I can get used to this", Beck says.

They each take a sip of their drink, then sit in silence for a few seconds. Beck looks over at Robbie who is nervously sipping his drink and humming.

"Okay", Beck says, "Out with it!"

"What are you talking about?", Robbie asks.

"Everytime you have information or you're hiding something you start doing a nervous hum, so what is it?", Beck says.

"Well, I kinda ran into Andre on the way in here", Robbie says.

"And just like that, I don't care anymore", Beck says.

"Oh come on, we've been friends for years, are you really willing to give that all up because of a stupid crush?", Robbie asks.

"Why does everyone keep calling it a stupid crush, whether it was sensible or stupid, it was hurtful", Beck says.

Robbie takes a big gulp of his drink.

"Ok, I didn't want to say this but you're being childish, obnoxious, and a douchebag", Robbie says.

"Excuse me?", Beck says.

"No excuses, this has gone on for too long and it's stupid, who cares if Andre had a crush on Jade, he didn't follow through with it and he respected you by keeping it to himself, and besides Jade didn't end up with Andre, she ended up with you, so put your pride aside and talk this out with him", Robbie says.

"Okay", Beck says.

"And I won't stop pressuring you to do this.....oh wait you said okay?", Robbie asks.

"Yeah, text Andre and tell him to meet us here in like a hour", Beck says.

Robbie nods and pulls out his phone. Beck calls for the waiter to bring him another drink.

Over at Tori and Andre's house they sit on the floor with an electric piano and a few pieces of paper. Andre plays while Tori hums a tune.

"Oh my god", Tori says, "I can't think of anything".

"Just relax, songwriting takes time, just speak from your heart, sing what you're feeling", Andre says as he continues to play.

Tori hums some more before belting out some lyrics:

"Close your mouth, then close the door"

"Cause I don't want to talk anymore"

"I love your arms, I love your lips"

"You make me tingle, every time that we kiss"

Tori stops singing and looks up at Andre who is staring directly at her.

"What?", Tori asks.

Andre doesn't say anything.

"Was that good?", Tori asks.

"That was great", Andre says, "And now I'm not sure if I still want to be your manager".

Tori smiles.

"You told me to write what I feel, and I did just that", Tori says.

"And I think you have a great song in the making", Andre says.

"Well let's continue", Tori says.

Suddenly Andre gets a text.

"Who's that?", Tori asks.

"Robbie", Andre says, "He says Beck wants me to meet him at Club Avalon".

Tori looks at him nervously. Andre scratches his head.

To Be Continued

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