Chapter 4.1: The Aftermath of the Battle

Start from the beginning

I don't know how much time we spent that way. It was relaxing, to be honest. During that moment, only us three existed. Excluding Reili's sobbing, there was complete silence; no wind, no voices, not even insects were making their appearance. It was as if we were in our own little world. I wouldn't mind staying like this forever, to be honest...

After who knows how long, Reili stopped sobbing and fell asleep while still clinging to me. I continued gently stroking her hair for a bit, and then signaled Ciel with my hand. She immediately understood, and slowly lifted Reili from on top of me—being careful to not wake her up. After I had enough space to stand up, I did so, and then picked up Reili—from Ciel's arms—and carried her in my own, with her head resting on my shoulder.

Okay, all set. Let's get out of the barrier, yeah? I called Ciel through [Thought Communication]. Ciel didn't tell me, but it was pretty obvious—by the amount of silence and lack of presences around us—that we were inside a nullifying barrier. That, and the more obvious fact that inside the barrier the walls were black, to prevent the people inside from seeing the outside—and the other way around as well.

Understood. Ciel immediately did as I told, and we were back into the normal world. In a second we noticed that we were surrounded by goblins and pupp—direwolves. They would start causing a ruckus soon, so...

Don't make any noise! My little girl is sleeping right now, and I don't want to wake her up. If you want to say something, use [Thought Communication] just as me right now, okay? Everyone seemed bewildered for a second, but they immediately understood and switched to [Thought Communication]

Author's note: I don't remember if the goblins and direwolves had [Thought Communication] originally, but just assume they do, please.

The first to speak was Ranga's father, the leader of the direwolves, although he seemed a bit wounded. Hm? I don't remember wounding anyone during the fight, though.

Are you alright, my lord? My eyes widened a bit at how quickly he accepted his role as my subordinate. Of course, I hadn't had the chance of knowing him alive in the main timeline, but from our interactions during the battle against the goblins—in both timelines—I thought he was more of a stubborn guy that would rebel against us the moment he got the chance. It was shocking to see him so subservient in such a short period of time.

Master, that is due to the individual—futurely—named 'Ranga' beating him back in place. As Master fainted, he tried to take advantage of the situation to flee, probably to gather more strength and then come back to fight you once again.

Oh, I see, so I wasn't so wrong about him after all. Hmm? Wait, but I remember he called me 'my lord' and tried to soften my fall when I fainted, isn't that right?

Negative. The individual that referred to you as 'my lord' was the individual—futurely—named Ranga. Furthermore, the direwolves' leader did run toward you and Reili when you fainted, but I believe that was probably with the intention of taking a hostage.

Oh I see... wait. He wanted a hostage? You can't be referring to...

Indeed, I believe the leader of the direwolves was planning to take Reili hostage to hinder your movements, Master. But worry not, master, after the individual—futurely—named Ranga beat him back in place, I also made sure to 'prepare' him to serve Master.

I was about to order an explanation from the direwolves' leader, but I turned to see Ciel's smiling face and instantly felt chilled to the bone. My anger at the "hostage" idea easily subsided in front of that scary smile of hers. Scaaary~

Erm, Ciel-san?

Yes, darling?

No, nothing. I wanted to ask her about what she did to the leader, but I think it is better to leave it at what she told me. A bit more, and I would become an icicle from her smile; I was supposed to have [Thermal Fluctuation Nullification], but it didn't seem to be wanting to kick in right now.

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