"Miss?" I hear from behind me. I turn around to see Delalieu. I sigh and say;


"Your father is here."
My eyes have gone as wide as saucers. A look of horror passes over my face when he continues;

"He would also like to talk to you. He's in the dining room." 
My breathing has picked up and I'm trying not to hyperventilate. 
"Deep breath, deep breath." I tell myself. 

"Thank you, Lieutenant." I say to him. The butterflies in my stomach startup and my palms start sweating. I start my way down to the dining room. It's too early for this. When I get there he's sitting at the head of the table. I sit in a chair sort of close to him. 

"Hello, father." I say, hoping that my voice has no emotion in it.

"Hello, Y/n. How have you been?" He never asks how I am, something's up.

"Fine, and you?" I respond. 

"Good. I heard about Aaron's little accident and your meltdown."
My meltdown, in front of Aaron and Kenji and multiple other soldiers. 
"Oh, did you." I try to keep an innocent sound in my voice as if I've done nothing.

"Yes, and you were defending another soldier. I thought I told you about relationships with soldiers, I did, no?" 

"Yes, you did." 

"Then why did you come to the interrogatee's defence?"

"Because he didn't know anything, if he did he would have said it."

"And you're sure of that?"

"I was, yes."

"Ok, it wouldn't have happened if you had listened to me. If you had kept your emotions in check."

"I know father." 

"I'm disappointed in you, now I need to go talk to your brother."
I'm was almost at my breaking point and seeing my father pushed me past it. I try to keep my face a neutral expression but it doesn't work.


"No?" He asks me. A mix of anger and curiosity crosses his face.

"He's, uh, sleeping right now."

"So? I don't care, I'll wake him up."

"No, don't you hear me, Father, You will not go see him. He needs his sleep! He needs to get better! I can't lose him!" I shout at him. He storms over to where I am and grabs my hands. 

"Listen here Y/n, you are not in charge here, I am. And if you ever speak to me like that again then I will make sure you won't see him ever again. Do you understand?" 
My throat is clamped down with fear so I nod at him and he lets me go.
"Good." He almost purrs. "Now let's go see you brother, shall we?" 
I follow after him like a lost puppy almost like Delalieu follows me and Aaron around. When we get there Aaron is still asleep, though I have a feeling he's faking it. His eye almost twitches open. My dad sees it.

"Well, isn't this embarrassing. My son, tied down like an animal."
I take another deep breath as Aaron slowly opens his eyes. He looks between me and dad, when dad asks; 

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" He moves closer to Aaron's bed. 
"You have Delalieu whimpering apologies for disturbing me, begging my men to blame him for the inconvenience of this unexpected visit." 

"Unexpected alright." I mutter under my breath. Both sets of eyes flicker towards me, one filled with worry, the other with anger. But instead of reprimanding me he continues talking to Aaron. 

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