Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

"Well, I have a dance with Sir Steffan? I haven't known him but my brother seems to." Diana said glancing back at the tall soldier. His golden hair bobbed politely excusing himself from his current conversation, his gaze landing on hers with intention.

"I am vaguely familiar with his career, a good naval officer I hear and have acquired fortune on the skirmishes after nearly coming from nothing." Penelope eyed him as he moved over towards them.

"Good evening ladies." he greeted pleasantly. After introductions and polite conversation were had, he offered his hand. "Shall we Miss Vincent?" Diana took it stealing one last glance at her friends before turning her attention to him.

The first few moments of the dance, Diana studied him curiously wondering what on Earth her brother had meant. She also wondered how he was able to spot her so quickly. She didn't mean to seem cold but she couldn't help but wonder.

"Allow me to flatter you and exclaim how unexpectedly beautiful you are in person." he said as they joined hands. 

Diana's lips quirked, "Consider me flattered Sir Steffan, and allow me to boldly exclaim how handsome and how well you dance."

"I offer a compliment and you shower me with two? I must be losing my touch with the females." he grinned back at her. Diana couldn't help but smile, for once the distraction was enough that she didn't have a desire to burst into silent tears. 

"Do not worry, Sir Steffan I assure you have caught my attention." Diana replied quietly watching him. "Ah yes, so I gather you understand why I wanted it." he said his voice low as they spin around the room. 

"I am..aware." Diana glanced around nervous all of sudden. It wasn't like anyone needed to buy into this false courtship but now the bargain was being made she didn't feel all too good about it. "But tell me, how did you know I would be here?" 

He smiled knowingly, "Statistics, an unjust description, and luck."

Diana was rather surprised, he must be dedicated to this scheme to attend balls where she might show up. She supposed there wasn't that many to be had, wondering what on Earth his stakes were to participate in this. 

"Tell me, are you looking to settled eventually back in England?" she asked suddenly.

"Yes, I have purchased an estate in the country and now am looking to settle..." he glanced at her.

"I see." It took much effort for Diana to maintain a safe conversation with so many people around.

"Indeed, I need a consider an heir and a capable mistress who does not mind being a naval officer's wife. I am not set to go out to sea for a while, but if I have enticing commissions I might consider it." he added.

"How fascinating." Diana said. "Would your future wife be able to come with you on such adventures?" she asked.

He smiled politely, "Perhaps some if she wishes it but not all trips. Not every adventure is a leisurely tour."

"Then that's not an adventure. Leisurely tours are just that, I expect adventure is defined by some level danger." Diana said.

"That is true Miss, but I don't expect my future wife to share the same desire." he said. "However, I can see you do."

The dance soon ended and Diana felt as if she finally found some ground beneath her feet. As she took his hand again to be escorted off the floor. The ground shifted as the royal guests were announced.

Diana hated how her spine stiffened and her heart reminded her of the hole that was left there. The Prince, regal and unfairly handsome escorted the equally beautiful Fruelin through the room. Her sister with her fiance, Sir Elliot already looked bored following behind them. The Queen had entered as well, her gaze assessing everyone in the room.

A Pact With The Prince | Bridgerton ~ Prince FriedrichWhere stories live. Discover now