5. dagger

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chapter 5

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chapter 5. dagger

warnings: angst, a panic attack, talk of murder.

"IT'S almost nine. You all set? You know what to do?" August, the new weirdo writer in town who'd shown a suspicious interest in Henry's fairy tale theory, asked. He, Max and Henry were standing across the street from Mr. Gold's shop, prepping to execute some sort of "plan" the man had devised for Operation Cobra. 

   Henry nodded. "Operation Cobra is always ready."

   "Not so fast there, Scurvy Dog," said Max, stepping in between Henry and August, hard gaze locked on the man, "First, you need to explain how this has anything to do with getting Emma to believe."

   August bit his lip, glancing back at Gold's shop. "...Sometimes other priorities assert themselves."

   Max hit him on the arm, hard enough that it was clearly a warning, but not so hard she'd feel guilty if it turned out August didn't have questionable motives. "What the hell does that even mean? What's with your weird inability to give a straight answer?"

   August looked back at Max, meeting her haughty glare, and a grin spread across his face. "You're a deeply mistrusting person. I respect that."

   That stupid, smug little grin might work on other people, but to Max it was nothing; she was not amused. "I'm just making sure someone has Henry's best interests in mind," she said coolly.

   "And you're a great friend for it," August commended. "But... you know, sometimes in life, you just have to take a leap of faith."

   Max still didn't have much faith in the man, but she relented nonetheless. "Alright, but let me make myself clear," she said seriously, stepping forward and getting up in August's personal space. "If I find out that you're just using us for your own evil plan, I will hunt you down." Her voice carried such promise and her glare was so menacing that August couldn't help but gulp in fear.

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