"It isn't," Shine said. "One emotional outburst would undo all of their work."

"Yes...but whatever you do is not science," Xavier said. "I doubt very much if you could keep his power in check the rest of the time. I told her I believe it is unwise, she said if I don't at least ask you, Kevin is going to be crushed. I have a fair idea of what your husband will say...but you sometimes surprise me with being more cautious and aware of dangers to your interference."

"I find that funny, he was the one who thought getting involved there might be a bad idea," Shine put her hands on her knee.

"Indeed..." Xavier mused. "Mrs. West, don't you think you might be overextending yourself, here? All these new students, and a prisoner. And if they stay longer, we'll have to have some kind of regular curriculum. Do you have plans for that?"

"Actually, I do have some ideas." Shine said. "You always wanted to turn this into a school, right? Well, they may not be paying students, but they're a start. Those kids have a deplorable education that consists of street slang and survival tips and, of course, some of our biblical teachings. But that won't get you by in this world, they must learn actual skills. House cleaning is a start, basic life skills, that's important. And most of them are taking to it quite well, but it won't be enough. They'll want to learn to read. And while I love teaching, I have a clear mission to teach my faith and principles, I can't do everything. Storm has been a great help, but English is not her first language, and it's not Kurt's either. We need people who can handle that. And history, history is important. And then there's science...you see what I mean?"

"Mrs. West, while I agree everyone should have an education, the chances of most of those mutants ever being able to have a real job amongst humans is slim," Xavier said.

"Then perhaps they could have one among mutants," Shine said. "Plenty of mutants out there lead fairly normal lives. The point is, if an opportunity comes, they must take it. And you hold this philosophy, don't you? They need to be ready."

Xavier nodded. "That's fair. I would like to do something to help them...of course there's counseling also."

Shine gave him a stone cold look. "Well, given how well that has worked out, perhaps sticking to what actually is practical would be best."

"I know your opinion of my methods, but they do get results," Xavier said.

"Yes, just so much as performing a lobotomy will inhibit certain brain functions, both good and bad," Shine said flatly. "Your method removes responsibility, in cases like Rogue's, and removes initiative, in cases like Logan's. You try to carry people, where they must learn to walk on their own. All we do is take the chains off that are stopping them. Logan and Rogue are making excellent progress under our instruction, because they are doing it for themselves. Logan is putting up with those Morlocks beautifully, isn't he? And Rogue, she's got more spring in her step and she's taking an interest in helping other people grow for the first time in her life. Anyone can see the difference. I've never seen Storm this happy, either."

"Well, I'm glad they like it," Xavier said. "But enthusiasm is not the same as deep healing."

"True enough, time will tell," Shine wasn't worried about it. "But before you go poking around in any one else's head, I think we should try the more time honored way of changing lives. And that brings us back to my point. And to Kevin Mactaggert. He wants to come here? We have the equipment to take care of him, and his power, and Moira could help with that too, I think. I'd be happy to start teaching him, but I can't handle so many new students without back up, if we're going to cover more subjects, as I think we should...Xavier, we're only here for a short time, you guys need a structure for once we're gone."

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