Thomas Hewwit (NSFW)

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Life in the Sawyer house was always hectic. A peaceful moment to yourself was rare and far between. But today was your lucky day. The heat was sweltering it was an ungodly 114 degrees outside. You'd swear you could feel your own skin baking even inside the house. Hoyt was calling the house every 20 minutes complaining about the heat and how he better "have a damn cold beer waiting for him". Poor Mama May could barely stand to do the easiest house chores. Everyone was miserable. Your poor Tommy was hiding down in the basement where it was at least a few degrees cooler while you suffered up in the living room. Cleaning the crumbs and beer bottles Monty leaves around the living area. Mama was stirring restless and irritated that she was so damn hot when she finally stood up.
"Y/n darling? I'm sick of this heat I'm gonna take Uncle Monty here with me down the road to see Henrietta. Her fan works marvels in this heat, she'll also love the company. Do you want to come with us or do you want some alone time with Tommy?"
The opportunity to be alone...with Thomas? That never happens. You can finally get to have some quality uninterrupted time together.
"I might stay behind. Tommy has been working so hard lately and it would be nice to have some quality time together."
"He certainly dose deserve some time to relax. He's such a good boy. Well tell Hoyt to come meet us at Henrietta's. The promise of her moon shine will get him there."
"Have fun Mama."
"You too darling. And please make sure Thomas is actually relaxing with Hoyt gone."
"I will. I promise"
And with a slight wave Mama took Monty his wheelchair and his dog right out the door. The silence in the house was an astounding rarity so when it happened the weight of all the monstrosities that happen there come crashing in massive tides. The door to the basement was cool to the touch. At first when you came to the Sawyers opening that door filled your body to the core with dread. Now it was the only other part of the house besides your room that the moment the door closes behind you your relieved. You could already sense that Tommy heard you lightly trotting down the stair. You found him perched up from behind his butchers block head quizzically tilted to the side. Most likely to say "what are you doing here?" Or "what's going on?".
"So Mama and Monty are at Henrietta's...and Hoyt is going to meet them there. Mama wants you to relax and had me stay here to make sure you actually relax. So it's an order. Relaxing tonight just you and me alone until the three of them come home."
He strode away from the butchers block untying his apron and hanging it on the coat rack placed haphazardly across the room. He motioned for you to come here with his pointer finger. It did something in you whenever he told you to do something simply by showing you. He was so assertive and he didn't even know it. Closing the distance between the two of you you tip toed in the much to be right in from of Thomas, toes touching and your hands placed on his chest. He signaled for you to stop and simply pointed to his cheek and dipping down so you could reach him. He was so sweet you couldn't stand it. After you placed a tiny kiss on his cheek he huffed and crossed his arms almost like saying "really that's it? That's the kiss I get?" So you obliged and yanked him by the tie and pulled him down for a much longer and gentler kiss through his leather mask. Clearly happy he hummed into your mouth as he traced his hands down your back and to your waist pulling you in close.
"I have an idea."
He rolled his eyes. Clearly annoyed that you broke the kiss and partly because anytime you have an idea it's crazy and will almost always get Hoyt mad at the two of you.
"Hey before you shoot me down hear me out. Let's go to the watering hole. I have that bathing suit of mine from my bag, it's unbearably hot out, the gang is gone. We can relax by the water side enjoy the sun a bit get in a swim." Elbowing him and slightly easing your eyebrows as you said it "plus it's a good way for me to see you shirtless"
He rolled his eyes except this time his chest heaved as he let out a cackled and muted huff. You've grown to realize this is what his laughs sound like. To most they wouldn't be enjoyable at all, but to you it was the greatest sound he could make. Pretty much the only sound besides when he's in pain. You wonder if he would moan for you if given the opportunity. Shaking the dirty thoughts from your head you grabbed his hand.
"What do you think?"
He shrugged his shoulders and then pointed upstairs. Which has been code for let's go up stairs since you two have been on communication status.
"Wait for me in the dinning room we'll take the kitchen door out that way when we get back we don't track water into the house. Let me just change real quick."
With that you took the stairs two by two. Excited to finally get down to the watering hole and use your bathing suit. Mama was a modest woman and instilled those rules in the house. She never made you get rid of your clothes but she did give you sundresses back from when she was your age to work in around the house. She said the last thing we need is Hoyt getting any ideas about you. I was here because Tommy saved me and I was kind to both Mama and Tommy at the gas station before the accident. Tommy even made sure to get my belongings from my friends van. But I don't think of that day that much anymore. It was 5 years ago. I was well acclimated to the family and had been very comfortable with Thomas. Mama everyday would tease us when we would finally start going steady because she won't be here forever and wants to see her grand babies. The thought wasn't horrible at all. To be honest Thomas was a gentleman through and through. He was incredibly handsome skin disease and all. He had the heart of gold and I know he'd make for an excellent partner husband and daddy. The first time Tommy took his mask off around me I remember being so embarrassed and shy because the only thing I could think was damn he was hot. Not about how much of a big deal that was to both him and me. I ended up hurting his feelings and had to explain to him I was embarrassed because I thought he was really handsome. It was awkward but it made us even closer. That was the day we shared our first kiss. But Mama isn't supposed to know we have kissed. Thomas even wrote it down on paper. He wanted to ask Mama if he could marry me before we move things further. That was 1 year ago. The bathing suit I had packed originally for my trip to Mexico was definitely not something Mama would approve of if she saw. But I'm good at hiding things. It was a black two piece. A small bikini style top with ties at the back and high waisted bottoms. The bathing suit cover was a black sheer knee length dress sleeveless but had intricate knitting at the shoulders and bottom. Throwing your shoes on haphazardly and popping my cat eye black sunglasses on. Taking one last look in the mirror and heading out your bedroom door. Thomas sat there patiently two towels thrown over his neck and old beach umbrella tucked under his arm waiting for you in the dinning room. He turned to look at you and you could swear his eyes almost fell out of his skull. It made you blush hard and chuckle.
"It's only a bathing suit stud. But I'm glad you like it."
Teasing him playfully was the best thing ever. Sometimes he's return it but most of the time he genuinely didn't know what to do and that was your secret power. To make a man as big and strong and intimidating as him to have this second person that was soft and open with you and you only made you feel invincible.
"Let's get going I want to cool off. It's so damn hot."
He nodded in agreement but taking a bit too long looking down at your breasts. Which you couldn't help but absolutely love.
When you arrived at the watering hole Thomas stuck the umbrella in the dried up dirt a few feet away from the waters edge and laid the towels down side by side. Walking over to him you were already kicking your shoes off and peeling the bathing suit cover off.
"Last one in has to bring Hoyt his coffee In The morning."
As you booked it you could hear how fast Thomas ripped his shirt off and picked you up by the waste. Cackling like a mad man while slung over his shoulder Thomas jumped off the edge of the land making a massive splash completely soaking you two. As he dropped you into the cool murky water. Finally standing up and flinging your sopping hair out of your face you could hear his sweet little laugh.
"Oh so you thought that was funny did you?"
He nodded fast and bent over to laugh harder.
"Ok ok. Well mister...may I remind you your still wearing your pants."
He looked down and was totally baffled. Letting his arms plummet to his sides with a dramatic splash he rolled his eyes slowly sulking out of the water. You chuckled at this eagerness to beat you. As he stepped out to flop his wet pants over a tree branch you floated on your back enjoying the cool relief the water had. Closing your eyes and letting your surroundings envelope you. You felt gentle waves beneath you as giant hands were placed under the small of your back and behind your knees. Opening your eyes to look Thomas dead in his. He was smiling big and bright. The dark thick hair on his chest slicked down and his deep brown waves straighten from the weight of being wet. His hair was way longer than what you originally that it was. You reach up to push some hair behind his ear but he gently turns to place a small kiss on the palm of your hand and taking it to place it on his chest. What to Thomas was just waist deep water was chest deep to you. So being able to pull yourself up on his waist and become eye level was a nice change of pace. His hands rested respectfully on the outsides of your thighs and rubbed small circles with his thumb. You leaned in and gave him a small peck on his surprisingly soft lips.  He eagerly came towards you for more.  Your hands traveled up to the sides of his face gently brushing your fingers against his jawline which was barely exposed due to his mask.  His mask felt so rough and cold compared to Thomas' skin.  You needed more.  You broke the deep kid to look him in the eyes.
"Thomas what are we? Like am I your girlfriend."
To your shock he shook his head no. You felt deviated but he realized where he messed up and whispered into your ear in his gravely voice
"I'd like wife."
"I love you Thomas."
He lifted you closer to him this time almost completely out of the water straddling his lap.  You could feel every muscle bulge and flex with each movement he made.  Carrying you out of the water to the towels he spread out all over the pleasant clearing.  He set you down and sat beside you.  Digging in his shirt pocket for something.  You looked at him quizzically as he hid said object behind his back.
Holy shit.  He's gonna propose isn't he?
"Thomas what are you up to?"
He kneeled in front of you and pulled out a simple ring made of wood and polished.
"Are you asking me to marry you?"
Thomas nodded.
You took the ring and placed it on your ring finger admiring the simplicity of it.  It was strangely like Thomas.  Simple, strong, yet beautiful in its own unique way.  You leapt into his arms sobbing happy that you finally have confirmation on what and where you stand in Thomas' life. He paused looking at you and reached up to his mask.
"Here let me honey."
He hummed at the pet name and your soft touch slowly unbuckling his mask.  Once it was off and placed gently on the ground next to his shirt your hands found their way to the sides of his face again.  Admiring his strong masculine jawline.  Fingers traced up and down from his chin to his ear.  As he closed his eyes and leaned into your touch.  You leaned in and kissed him.  The feeling of his face without the mask pure bliss.  The feeling of his warm breath without being obstructed by the mask and completely feeling his lips pressed up onto yours was your favorite.  Not to mention when he started to dribble kisses down your neck and across your chest you could feel and see how red and warm his cheeks were.  You were hooked.  His hands slowly made a trail of light rubs down your sides and gripped your ass pulling you onto his lap completely legs wrapped behind him as you let your fingers dance in his hair at the nape of his neck.  You'd swear he was purring under your touch.  He kissed your ear and licked the lobe gently whispering one word.
Of course you had to oblige so the ties behind your top were quickly untangled and the top fell to the ground as you exposed yourself completely to him.  His face flush more than it already was ogling the sight in front of him.  You could feel the massive bulge in his boxers under you and it was enough to drive you insane.  His scared lips made fast work of your nipples.  Being sucked licked and kissed between breaks to kiss you and catch his breath.  Your fingers easily tangling into his mousy hazel hair. He clearly couldn't stand it anymore and released the deepest most primal moan you'd ever heard escape him.  As soon as you could process he was moaning you were already underneath him, back to the ground and your pelvis flush to his.  The pesky clothes between the two of you only making things more difficult.  He stayed there pinning you down under him soaking in the ideal vision under him.  You nodded at him almost as if he knew what you were saying he snaked his large fingers under the band of your bottoms and shimmied them off of you. One painful inch at a time.  In doing so you took the opportunity to place a hand on his bulge.  Holy shit he was massive.  He was long thick and you could feel the slight impression of one massive vein at the top right under his head.  His head wasn't massive but it will most definitely be a stretch. He rocked his hips slowly into your hand while kissing the inside of your thigh as he completely removed your bottoms. He then made fast work of his boxers finally setting his cock free. He leaned down and wrapped his massive arms under you bringing all of him flush to you. Practically purring his name he shuddered at the sounds you made because of him. You guided him inside you but knew Thomas knew how to do the rest. He kept eye contact it was almost too intense. He is so vocal through just one look and you could see the adoration dripping from him. Your hands grasped at any part of him just wanting to be as humanly close as possible.  When he finally thrust into you you could hardly stand it.  He watched you come undone under hun one painstakingly slow thrust at a time.  Savoring each and every inch your body had to offer him.  He could barely keep it together taking you and making you his was the most meaningful thing to him and he couldn't believe he had a goddess here under him begging him for his most primal needs.  He scooped you up off of the ground and into his arms still deeply pressed into your guts. Pulling you up to look him in the face his hideous face.  How could he a monster have this ethereal being all to him self.  He needed to tear you apart but not in the way he did with so many unfortunate people that stumble upon this waste land.  No this was different he couldn't explain it.  It wasn't out of destruction or fear it was to come undone completely to become such a mess that you and him would become one.  His kisses grew lazier and his thrust more erratic.  As you finally adjust to how large Thomas actually was you made one singular drag along his shaft without his help and that did it.  Thomas spewed all of his seed inside you moaning and purring his praise into your ears.  Feeling him filling you up and seeing how you made the most dangerous loving sweet man you had ever meet come undone in you made you cum all of him.  Clinging to each other in your new found rapture afraid to move and ruin the moment.  Thomas tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and gently place his hand on the side of your face.  You leaned in welcoming his touch.  You looked up into those big brown eyes and said the one thing you've always wanted to say.

"Thomas I'm so lucky to have you.  I love you"

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