She moved back to where her boyfriend was standing and introduced them to him, "These are Chad and Mindy, the twins, and Wes. I used to babysit them all."

Wes was slightly embarrassed at that comment, or more so confused as to why she needed to add that last sentence in. "Which is always how I like to be introduced." Wes pitched in sarcastically.

Katherine stifled a laugh after hearing his complaint, as did Amber, and that got Sam's attention. She turned to the two girls, finally noticing them for the first time, and a smile grew on her lips. "And these are Katherine and Amber. Hey!"

"Welcome back."

'Hi, nice to see you."

Richie turned to Amber and introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Richie."


It didn't take long for Sam to notice the absence of their mother, so she asked, "Where's mom?"

"She's stuck at a conference in London. She called me earlier." Tara filled her sister in, and to Katherine, it just seemed like she was trying to justify her mother for not being there.

"When is she not?" It came out without an intention, and it was more of a mumble, but Katherine didn't care if they heard it.

Tara's mother wasn't always occupied with her work, but after her divorce, she latched onto her job as a sense of security. Recently, it had gotten to the point where she left Tara home alone every few days for a long duration.

Tara glanced at her with furrowed eyebrows, but before Katherine was able to catch her glancing, she looked back towards her sister.

Before anyone had time to cut in, specifically Tara, Amber quickly said, "Look, guys, Tara's really tired. Maybe we should just give her some space."

It only took one glance at Tara for them to agree with Amber's statement. They each said their goodbye's and exited the room silently. Sam trailed behind them, thinking her sister might want the room to herself while she sleeps, but it turns out she was wrong.

"Not you, Sam." Tara called after her. "I want you to stay."

A smile made its way on Sam's lips, and she nodded as she walked back towards her sister. "If it's okay with you, I could sleep here tonight."

Tara didn't have to think at all about the request, "I'd really like that."


Richie took that as his time to leave, and he gave Sam a look to let her know he'd be outside.

Katherine hopped off the bed, immediately gaining the attention of her girlfriend, "You're leaving?"

Katherine walked over to the bed, her thighs softly rubbing against the mattress and nodded, "Yeah, for a little bit, it gives you two enough time to talk."

She pressed a kiss on Tara's cheek, "I'll be back before you know it."

Sam seemed to realize very quickly that they were both together, not that it was shocking, but it did surprise her that they finally talked about how they felt for one another. The last time Sam saw them, both girls were repeatedly throwing flirty banters around and smiling during the whole duration of hanging out together. They were always together, and even when they were apart, there was always a mention of the other one, but they never said anything to each other.

"How long have you two been seeing each other?" Sam asked, taking a seat beside Tara's bed and watching as the two girls appeared to be caught by surprise.

"Umm, practically since we were toddlers. Yeah, you see, daycare really bonded us for life, especially when this girl cut out a chunk of my hair while I was asleep." Katherine joked as she ran a hand through her straight light brown hair and watched as Sam narrowed her eyes at her.

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