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october 1, 1957

jane was sat on her knees. her body displayed unto her great mattress, with her head rested back comfortably upon her handsome headboard.

an absentminded, bored and numb expression painted her face as she took a puff out of her cigarette.

looking as if she was dozing off into her own world.

her eyes moved dully, scanning every inch of her fancy lush room, though her body and skull remained motionless and still.

"i fucking hate this town," jane murmured to herself, barely moving cherry lips. her voice filled with pure and utter hatred.

she looked down, finally craning her neck, at her silky pink night gown.

she thought, how was it fair that my  family gets to come home to a bed of roses, whilst others live in their own scum?

but she didn't care enough to dwell on it.

her lofty window was left open a few inches. the chilly october air making her embroidered tulle curtains swish from the wind, and sending a soft shiver down her back.

suddenly, the sound of sharp running hit her ears.

her older sister, maria, was coming up the steps. probably getting ready to barge into jane's room, and eagerly smack and holler at her (for no reason whatsoever).

jane swiftly pressed the butt of her cigarette onto her near dresser, ending it's use, before her sister would be able to witness her smoking.

'sister'... was she even able to call maria that? they were sworn enemies. family was merely blood to the hopper residence.

after dropping the cancer stick behind her lavish dresser, she went back into her former position briskly.

just as expected, jane's bedroom door slammed open.

intruding, maria smacked the door shut before it could fully open.

"go pick up vegetables from the wheeler's farm for my dinner," she commanded at jane with her arms crossed.

jane only hummed back lowly in response.

the look of disgust never fails to stain maria's face while looking at jane, or even thinking about her.

jane was not one of them, nor will she ever be one of them.

jane was a filthy whore who liked to disobey. this was a fact that all of levalon knew.

she belonged in a trash bin; her and those of poor roots. it was their destiny to rot together.

if one thing was for sure, it was that maria will be respected more than jane ever will. she was perfect. jane on the other hand, was flawed.

"you're beyond pathetic, you know? this room smells like cow shit," maria snorted to herself, looking at her surroundings.

"funny, it only started smelling like cow shit right after you walked in," jane rumbled back without hesitation.

as a result of her reply, jane ended up with a black eye in a matter of seconds. no matter how much she wanted to, she didn't dare lay hands on her sister in defence. she knew she'd get killed if she would.

and so, maria left the floral room with her head held high, and a smirk plastered on her face.

her smug bitch of a little sister shouldn't have opened her mouth, huh?

jane was more than familiar with this routine. before other bruises, cuts and wounds manage to even fade, new ones come along just as fast.

she knew she didn't deserve this. she knew she was innocent.

but she also knew she was helpless.

weak. powerless. vulnerable. defenceless.

there was no solution. not one.

besides, she was just a teenage girl. what kind of power could she hold? presumably none.

don't misunderstand, jane used to be a mellow, kindhearted girl. it was her family that ruined her. they teared that young girl apart. they were at fault. if only someone would restore the purity that was once in jane's soul; she would be happy again.

though it was impossible.

looking back up at the closed door with lazy eyes, jane let out a tired sigh.

it was going to be a long day.


A/N: after monthsssss .. here's the first chap. i disappeared but i am backkkkk hehe ;) this is v v short, but still, i hope u enjoy!! what r we thinking so far ?? (also i've realized that i write in past tense without noticing.. hope that doesn't bother anyone)

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