» Where Are You Looking

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Growing up, you never really had passion in sports. Day-to-day basis always went like this: Wake up, eat, go to school, plan to run away with friends, the plan fails, go back home, sleep. And the cycle repeats.

No sports whatsoever.

However, just before you graduated middle school, your mother encouraged you to at least try one sport. And what was that one sport everybody in your school was so hooked about?


The sound of volleyballs slapping against the floor and walls echoed throughout the gym along with squeaking shoes and the lively chatters of the players.

Why am I here? You ask yourself in your mind, contemplating mostly about your decisions in your life.

You ended up landing on a benched role for the female volleyball team for Minami Daisan and you were a substitute setter. Thinking about it for a while, this was the only role you wouldn’t move your body too vigorously, compared to an outside hitter or the libero. Eh well..as long as your libero gives you a good pass that is.

All you had to possess was precision and perfection. The second requirement, well, you aced that, babe, you're perfect, I love you.

The first one, however, was something you needed to work on for the meantime. And since you were rarely a part of the first six on your matches, you would always go to the boys’ team to peek for...reference.

“You know, Kentaro isn’t that bad once you really have a good eye on him,” You squinted, eyeing the lone boy who has furious eyes at a corner with your best friend leaned against the gym’s entrance. “just saying.” you added, drinking soda from the vending machine.

“What? [L/N] [Y/N], are you into yankees??” she rhetorically asks, exhaling quickly and striking a shocked expression at you who had your neck basically extended with the amount of force you put into leaning in the gym.

Why doesn’t she just ask to go in? Your friend thought to herself.

You scoffed at your companion’s remark and smiled.

“HEY. Is being nice a sin nowadays? You’ll never know. Maybe he's a softie,” you pointed out, shifting your gaze straight to watch the boys’ practice. “but he just has a hard time communicating with the oth—”

You got cut off by the spinning volleyball coming towards your face, and while you did react quickly to touch the ball, it wasn’t enough to stop it from hitting your nose bridge and stumbling back from the entrance of the gym.


“Don’t mind! Don’t mind!”

“Kentaro, nice kill!”

Your girl took her time to see who hit the ball with that kind of brute force before cocking her head towards you with a mocking look. “...so who was a softie again?”

•  •  • l▒▒▒▒l 🏐...

Needless to say, you still liked being in the volleyball team. You didn’t stand out...yet, but even so! You still pursued the simple errands some of your teammates told you to, like helping them practice attacks, how to set, help them get their receives and to make sure they connect.

A setter to you was just passing the ball high enough so your hitters can get the momentum they need to hit it. And while that was beneficial for your spikers, it also had its cons with the other team having time to prepare for a counter defense.

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