Chapter 1

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I walk into the toilets like a proud man one that probably won an Oscar although he couldn't act and ate a bowl of salt and vinegar crisps afterwards like some hopeless junkie - Dream state that is.

I go about my business frolicking some might say I was a total idiot I would agree but only because I made a whole "bigman" mistake of mooning the headteacher.

I walk over to the urinators next to a little lad looks about sixteen.

I whip my cock out.

Before I know it "Oops." "Hi."
Like some pathetic shit that would happen in movies I thought I recognised him from somewhere, perhaps the reminiscence of band practice.

A band from Cheshire, name similar to The Huskies. I look at his mop of curly hair and large lips and the same irresistible deep green eyes.

"Henry?" I ask.

"Harry." He corrects me.

"Oh do you have any recollection of me I just want to be clear?"

"No why? Of course I remember you it doesn't take a dumb loser to forget the blue eyed fella."

I grit my teeth together.

"Does the boy want some satisfaction? I remember you saying if you were gay you'd fuck me."

The little shit.

"That's not what I said."

"That's besides the point."

I zip my trousers up and walk out of the toilets.

I sit next to Liam, his brown eyes glaring deep into my soul.

"What's your preposition?" He asks.

"I don't know just get out of here alive?" I take a deep breath, "I saw the green eyed man again, Henry?"

"I doubt it's Henry who gives a shit about Henry now anyways."

"Alright then Harold, the boys called Harold."

"About time you made that up you can't go around forgetting-" He pauses and continues. "What did he say anyway?"

I blank him out and stare intently at the wall.

"Louis, come on."

"Not that it matters anyway." I preach.

"What's that got to do with it?"

I don't think anyone knew I just wanted to keep certain information private.

Like what I did during Grease.

"What is it you mean by alive?"

Fucking successful like a trooper. Not that anyone cared about famous nowadays.

A woman comes up.

"I'm Liam's mum." Oh right they kind of did look alike.

"What's this shit about staying alive?" She asks.

"Mum." He groans.

"Come on I want to know the stories. I'm Karen by the way. My husband Geoff is waiting in the queue but he'll be over soon."

I listen in and nod.

"So who the fuck actually cares about alive everyone in the industry is just about surviving anyway." Liam states.

"That is true but I mean who wouldn't want to be alive?"

"Leave it a few year and let it sink in." Liam says, he acted like such a know-it-all when he was just as regular as the rest of us.
Something about courage with that man.
He wasn't a man, he was only sixteen but had the attitude of a dude 30 years old.

I get called upon the stage to sing a song. The manager Mr Cowell sits in his chair and sips his morning brew.

"Why do you want to be in the band?" He asks.

I panic "Oh shit." I think to myself.

"It's okay you can answer, don't you worry your little head."

My ass. That's what I thought.

"I love music, I absolutely love it. I want to create some form of art." I reply.

"And what makes you different to the other artists out there?"

Of course the first thing to come to my head was I don't do drugs but I didn't think it would be much appreciated.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson why the fuck else would I be any different?" I cheekily smile from the apples of my cheeks.

"Got a glint in your eye son." Mr Cowell says. "I'd say there's no other artist that ever looked like you, it's the 90s well nearly and there's still nobody who looked like you."

"Are you telling the truth cause I can name at least three singers who look like me." I respond.

"So you are informed of different artists, I'm glad you were awake son." I notice he had got up from his seat and at this point he gently tapped me.

"Right sing."

Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away and girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do.
Times Square can't shine as bright as you.
You know it's true.

"You made the cut welcome to Syco project boy band." He puts his hand gently on my shoulder.

"We're going to be bigger than all the other groups, like Beatles don't know them."


"One Direction." Liam breaks into the auditiorium.

"My lad. This is my nephew Liam Payne, his father a construction worker, is my brother." He says.

"Is he actually your brother?" I ask.

"Don't be rude." Liam exclaims.

"Sorry I'm not the brightest lad." I preach.

"This lad can quieten down alright? He's probably much brighter than he makes out." The man replies.

"How do you think you know me?" I ask.

"Trust me it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work that one out." The man said.

"That's what I would of said but to Louis dumb question." Liam huffs.

"Alright mate pipe down." I reply.

"Are you fucking in for this?" I hear a voice behind me it was probably Geoff.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be? Otherwise would I be a coward if I didn't try." I state.

My mam used to always say I had so much talent that I would be wasting if I didn't become a musician. She said that nothing that good has came out of Doncaster and they're all from big cities like London for example or Liverpool or Manchester.

She wanted me to have my big break so I did, I walked into talent scout Simon Cowell's open audition.

"Where's your mother nowadays? I haven't seen her in Donkey's." He says.

"She's just working a lot she's a midwife." I reply, I feel like my eyes are beaming with light.

"Good on you. Your mother should be so proud of you."

The fuck.

"My mam works ten times harder than me ten times faster ten times more." I break out.

"I didn't say I underestimated her." Geoff replies.

"Right son I'm taking you back to Yorkshire." I hear a voice behind me.

"No Mr Cowell." I exclaim.

"I said so. Your mother can't pick you up." He says.

I look into the reflection of the car window. I see flickers of blue and green.

"You know you're a winner if you get a nice woman who's going to do the cleaning and the dishes for you."

What if I don't want that. What if I want her to do well for herself become a model for a magazine, an actor. Fuck it even if it was an adult magazine.

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