─── ⚝𓄹٠٘ lv. 𝗋𝗎𝗇, 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖺, 𝗋𝗎𝗇

Start from the beginning

With a snap of his fingers, a trunk appeared in front of them and Stella threw all of her belongings in it, with the large amount of her things, it was thrice bigger than her trunk.

"Capacious extremis." casted Stella and all of her belongings sunk inside her small trunk as if it were that muggle vacuum device that Remus had told her about. She also casted a feather-light charm so that it would weigh nothing when she drags it.

Woolly smiled brightly at her. He had always known that Stella was talented whenever it comes to magic, but he adored the girl for using her advantage to help other people and creatures. That's probably why Stella was Woolly's favorite.

Suddenly, Stella heard her parents' voice asking Théo and Collette about her.

God— how will she escape now?

"Shit — uh, okay." mumbled Stella, frantically. "Woolly, apparate my trunk downstairs but hide it from my parents, alright? no matter what happens, don't interfere and just hide yourself and my trunk, okay?"

Woolly was concerned and nervous, but he still nodded and with a snap of his fingers, him and Stella's trunk disappeared.

Stella took a deep breath, her hand on her dress pocket where her wand was. All she could hear was her parents' voice talking about her. Luckily, she saw Collete first.

"Théo's talking to them." assured Collette. She looked around first before pulling her sister into a corner. "Listen, Stell — you have to leave and I know you are leaving."

"How did y—"

"I saw you pack earlier with Woolly." explained Collette. She already knew that the Dark lord wanted her. Though, you-know-he didn't need her immediately yet and only warned her, Collette knew that their father would gladly offer up Stella to him. It made her and Théo despise their father even more.

Deep down, Collette wished that she was the only one with their grandfather's seer abilities, advanced magic, and magical empathic abilities so that Stella didn't need to suffer.

"Go with me, Collie." pleaded Stella. All her anger towards her sister evanesced away. The thought of her leaving, having a free life while her siblings suffer brought agony to Stella. "Please — I have enough money, we could go buy a muggle apartment, anything! Théo can stop working for the Dark lord and the ministry—"

Collette couldn't bare seeing the tears falling from her little sister's face. "It's not easy, Stell. I— I can't go with you. He'll find me."

"Please—" sobbed Stella. Now, she only realized what pain Sirius must've felt. It felt like this, heart-wrenching. As if her soul was torn into two. The desire to stay with her sibling or to run away. "Collie, we have to run away!"

"No one is running away from anyone."

Stella stopped her breathing once she heard her father's voice. Luke Rosier wore a scowl at the two of his daughters, with his wand ready to cast a spell on them. "You still have your betrothal with that Malfoy boy and you should be grateful that the Dark lord asks for you!"

Stella took out the ring from her pocket that she doesn't even wear and threw it harshly on the ground. "There's his bloody ring, wear it instead."

Théo had to stop his father from marching towards Stella. "You filthy child should be thankful that he wants to marry you! He's from a pure and wealthy famil—"

"If you like him so much, why don't you marry him?" retorted Stella.

Coline let out a sharp gasp at her daughter.

𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅║𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now