It's times like these that make me miss Thoren...

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After Daphne was crowned Princess of Domino, her Coronation Ball was in full swing. But as all the guests were all Dancing around the Ballroom Floor, the newly Crowned Princess was looking around for Thoren; Prince Sky's Cousin of Eraklyon, who she had recently fallen in love with a few days ago when he helped her solve the secret of stopping the Evil Legendary Treants!


"Hey there, Daphne! Can I help?"

"Huh? I've been looking up anything and everything about Treants! Whoa! Isn't that the storybook version of their Legend?"

"In fact, it is, yeah!"


"You know, my father used to read me this story when I was a kid. And each time, it gave me the creeps! Looking for something in particular?"

"Yeah... A clue on how to control the Treants!"

"Well, if anyone can get to the root of the problem, it would be you, Daphne!"

"The root! That's it! The Treant's Roots must be firmly planted in the ground!"

"Right! So..."

"Once the Root makes contact with the soil, it stabilizes the Treants! Then, it will be easier for us to control them!"

"Daphne, that's brilliant! Now let's tell everybody you cracked the case, nicely done!"


The problem was that Daphne couldn't find Thoren anywhere now, and he was the only one that she wanted to dance with tonight! Suddenly, she sees Sky and her little sister, Princess Bloom of Domino dancing together. "Hey, Bloom? Have you and Sky seen Thoren anywhere?"

Sky, who has been distracted the whole day, was surprised that his cousin didn't show up tonight even though he saw him earlier today. "I don't know, I haven't seen him since this morning!"

Bloom had noticed that the Prince she loves isn't himself tonight. "Sky, you okay? You seem out of it, tonight!"

Sky then remembers the conversation Thoren was trying to have with him earlier this morning.

"Hey, Sky? Does Bloom ever talk to you about Daphne, like whether or not she's ever mentioned me?"

"Huh? What?"

"Sky, Thoren, we're up here!"

"Oh, hey Bloom! I was just talking about you guys, with Sky! Uh, trying to at least!"

"Wait? What?"

"Man, you are out of it, today!"

"Yeah... Sorry about that, I have to go..."

Bloom notices that Sky isn't answering her before she waves her hand in front of his eyes. "Uh, hello? Earth to Prince Sky of Eraklyon?"

Sky sits down, finally deciding to tell the Girls what's bothering him! "Sorry Girls if I seem cold, my head was elsewhere... Before Red Fountain when we were kids, Thoren and I went to school together. One day we were out in the woods of Eraklyon looking for animal tracks. Then, out of nowhere, we were attacked! In the middle of the fight, he just left me there... Without him there, I barely escaped!..."

Daphne and Bloom's eyes softened, now knowing why Sky hasn't been himself the last few days! "Oh, Sky..."

"I'm sorry..."

Suddenly, Brandon, Helia, Timmy, Riven, Roy, and Nex had arrived to greet Stella, Flora, Tecna, Musa, and Aisha."Hello ladies, we have arrived!"

"(ROLLING HER EYES AT HIM PLAYFULLY.) You are such a geek."

"Happy to see me anyway?"

"You know it!"

"Flora, this dress looks incredible on you!"

"Thanks, Helia, but all the credit goes to Stella!"

"You and the girls look great, Tecna! Do I detect the 'Stella Touch'?"

"Well, of course, Timmy!"

"Hey, we weren't expecting you!"

"Oh, they let us out early! (HUGS MUSA.)"

"What about you and Roy, Nex? You don't even say hi to me?"

"I was waiting for the right moment!"



Sky watched his friends talk with the girls, feeling very sad. "It's times like these that make me miss Thoren..."

Nex saw the unhappy look on the Prince's face before going to sit down beside him to give him something... "Here... Thoren wanted me to give you this letter..."

Nex hands Sky a letter with an Eraklyon Seal on it. Sky opens it and recognized the handwriting. "(GASPS) This is Thoren's handwriting! Dear Sky... I know you're very mad at me for leaving you behind that day in the Eraklyon woods when we were kids... And to be completely honest with you, I can't say that I wouldn't forgive me either if I was you..."

As he reads the letter, he imagines seeing Thoren writing the letter, how the events of the Eraklyon woods truly shook him to the core and how guilty he was for the way he let Sky down...

"I was always jealous of you; no matter how scared you were in tough situations, it seemed that I was timid and easily frightened than you were! And that's why I fled the forest, leaving you behind... After the day that I became a Paladin; I made a vow that if  you were in trouble again when we were older..."

The images of Thoren faded as Sky reached the end of the letter, almost reduced to tears by his cousin's confession and apology letter... "I promised both myself and you that wouldn't let you down again as I did when we were kids, I am truly sorry..."

 "(SOBS A LITTLE BEFORE RIVEN DOES HIS BEST TO COMFORT HER.) Oh! Poor Thoren... I don't envy him right now!..."

 "And it's not like things could get any worse!"

Suddenly, Bloom's chest starts burning weakly with fire and collapses on the ballroom floor in Sky's arms, much to his concern! "Bloom! Bloom, are you okay?!"

The Princess groaned weakly, reaching her hand out to Sky, gripping hers tightly in his. Stella knew that this wasn't good! "Haven't we learned never to say that by now?!"

 Unknown to either of them, Princess Diaspro, Sky's ex-girlfriend, is watching them! "Oh, what a pity. Someone is just not herself these days, Perfect!"

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