Jesper intervenes now. "Let's hide in the countryside and come back to Ketterdam with new strength when we are ready."

I don't spare him glance. "Absolutely not."

"Y/N is currently at the top of an assassin's hitlist. We are vulnerable here, what if she dies?"

"She already almost has because of you!" I exclaim, before I can stop myself. Jesper has been getting on my nerves since we left to go to Fjerda, and him trying to convince me to run away like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs is the last straw.

Y/N steps forward now, eyes locked on Jesper, whose face is marked with betrayal. "What does he mean by that, Jes?"

He looks around at the other Crows for help, but no one else is aware of his incompetence the night before we left. They all step back and give us room, aware that a storm is brewing. I give him a daring glare. "Go on, Jes, tell Y/N how you got drunk at a casino the night before we left Ketterdam. Be sure to add in the fact that you told members of rival gangs about our plan. And that's why we got ambushed at the harbor, where Y/N was almost fatally wounded."

Y/N shows a look of hurt on her face. "Jes, is this true?"

Jesper doesn't meet her eyes and instead glares at me. "Is this why you've been so harsh with me lately? It was one mistake, what do I have to do for a little forgiveness?"

"What do you think my forgiveness looks like Jordie!"

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I know my mistake. Y/N locks eyes with me, and for a moment I feel my features go slack before I regain my composure.

"Who the hell is Jordie?" Jesper inquires, clearly losing patience.

I've been trying to erase my past, but Jesper keeps reminding me of it, specifically a brother of mine who was stupid with his money.

I run my hair through my hair. "Listen, Jesper. All you do is lose. Card games, bets, boys, girls. So why don't you just give up and walk away for once before you wind up dead."

Now, Y/N steps back to join Inej and Nina. They are all watching this go down and know that they can't intervene.

If Jesper is hurt by my comment, he doesn't show it yet. Instead, he rolls out his shoulders. "If you're going to start a fight, Kaz, at least throw a punch. And make it a good one."

Challenge accepted. It is almost like I can hear the inhale everyone takes as I sock Jesper across the jaw.

~ Y/N Pov ~

As Kaz punches Jes, we all take another step back, giving them as much space as possible. It would be stupid to intervene, we all knew a fight would break out eventually. Besides, they are teenage boys, and if this is their way of settling tension, then so be it.

Wylan seems to disagree. "Somebody stop them! Why are you just standing around?!"

Inej lays a hand on his shoulder. "Kaz isn't using his cane."

"And Jesper isn't using his guns," Matthias adds.

Wylan looks distraught. "So?!"

The Red Ribbon {Kaz Brekker X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now