Chapter 6 The Match

Start from the beginning

Y/N:Normally you'd be right but who said they had to be here physically?

Tai:What are you talking about?!

Y/N:Kurumi would you care to make an appearance before everyone?

Suddenly giggling can be heard from out of no where

Jaune:Where's that giggling coming from?!

Suddenly a pale white hand reaches out from Y/Ns Shadow and places itself on Y/Ns shoulder

A figure is then seen standing behind Y/N

Yang: Who the heck is she?!

Y/N:Well Yang if you'd paid attention you would of heard me say her name but obviously your too dumb to rememb-

Y/N stops talking when he notices something wrong with Weiss and Blake

Y/N:Blake Weiss have you two been eating and taking care of yourselves or has Ruby and Yang been giving you the same treatment they gave me?

Everyone looks at where Y/N is looking to see the two girls looking a bit bruised like

Haruko:He's right have the two of you been receiving the same treatment Y/N went through?

Summer:on top of being beaten by ruby and yang to the point of bruises being seen on you girls body's?

Both Blake and Weiss look away which signals the mother mode in both Haruko and Summer to come out

Y/N (Angry):Well since you and Ruby obviously went and put Blake and Weiss through what I went through and to make it worse you beat both girls to the point of bruises being shown shows how low you became Yang

Yang:if you didn't leave Beacon then they wouldn't have to suffer like they did!

Y/N:I think it's time I stop holding back and show you true strength

Tai:you've been holding back this entire time?!

Y/N:Yes and tell me Mr Long do you remember during the call a month ago when I said I had an ability that can produce flames hotter then what Yang's semblance can produce?

Tai:What about it?

Y/N:Well you're about to see it! COME TO ME CERBERUS!!

A loud roar is heard which everyone covers their ears

Soon the three headed dog stands behind Y/N which Y/Ns clothes then change from his normal ones to his spirit clothes

Y/N (Spirit):now then Kurumi you handle Yang I'll deal with her father also Yang is a bit hot headed so you can use that to your advantage

Kurumi:Hehehe well that makes it easier!

Replace the background with that of the Beacon Academy Combat Class Arena

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Replace the background with that of the Beacon Academy Combat Class Arena

Kurumi:oh girls we got someone to teach a lesson too be a dear and show her a good time won't you?

Suddenly multiple Kurumi's appear all around the arena which scares most beacon students

Pyrrha:Holy crap she has a ton of her

Yang is then dog piled by the clones of Kurumi


Kurumi and Yang continue to face off meanwhile Y/N is beating Tai to a pulp

Y/N (Spirit):You are a disgrace to all father's out there if you only teach your daughter how to bully people!

Tai: She's her own person so who cares about what she does!

Y/N then sends slashes all across Tai's body

Turning his head Y/N notices Yang unconscious which he then kicks Tai towards yang

Glynda:That is match! Y/N Rose Wins!


Y/N:Headmaster Ozpin I want you to make sure that Mr Long abides by his bet between himself and my mother which was to keep Yang and Ruby away from me

Ozpin:I will ensure he abides by that Mr Rose

Y/N:Thank you headmaster Now then

I walk over to where Weiss and Blake are with my mother and foster mother

Y/N:Blake Weiss are you both alright?

Voice:Yes sister are you alright?

We turn our heads to see Weiss's sister winter along with her mother and Blake's mother as well

Y/N:Winter,Mrs Schnee,Mrs Belladonna

Willow:Y/N we been through this already your considered a close friend of Weiss so you can just call me by my name

Kali:Same for me

Y/N:Sorry habit anyway I'm right to assume you three are here about Weiss and Blake's condition?

Summer:They are I called them during the match

Winter kneels down to Weiss's level

Winter:Weiss are you being miss used by your team?

Weiss doesn't say anything but immediately hugs me which Blake does the same

Y/N:There there you two I'm right here for you both

The two just sob into my shoulders which I calm the two down my gently rubbing their backs

After a few minutes the two stop crying


The two nod before wiping their eyes

Jaune:What will happen now Y/N

I begin to ponder about what to do

Tatsuo:Y/N what about bringing them to where your currently staying so that the two of them can be safe

Blake:Actually could we have some time to think about that?

Y/N:Of course I won't force you two right away to decide also Headmaster Ozpin I'm just gonna speak for Willow and Kali now but please put Blake and Weiss in a separate dorm so that the two don't get hurt by Ruby and Yang again

Summer:Also give them time away from classes Ozpin so that the two can relax easily

Ozpin:Very well

Winter:I'll ask the general if he can have two guardsman from the base stand watch over the door just Incase the two try to break into the dorm with your permission of course headmaster

Ozpin nods his head in agreement

Y/N:Anyway just call me when you've made your decision Weiss Blake

I then leave with those of the other world

Upon returning to Tengu City I lay in my bed where I immediately fall asleep after all that happened


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