Chapter 50: Caiyi Town

Start from the beginning

In her many imaginings when she was young Jiang Yanli liked to imagine he was someone kind. Someone kind who wouldn't be disappointed in her. Someone who could make her laugh and would want to look out for her. Jiang Yanli could feel tears gathering in her eyes. It seems that was wishful thinking on her part. Jin Zixuan had made it quite clear what he thought of her. She wasn't pretty. She wasn't strong.

'Of course he isn't satisfied with me. The heir of the LanlingJin Sect could have any girl in the cultivation world. So why would he settle?' Jiang Yanli tried to keep her tears back.

"Yanli?" Jiang Yanli's head snapped up at the sound of her name. Luo Qingyang sheathed her sword and took a few running steps over to Jiang Yanli.

"Mianmian," Jiang Yanli said with a small smile as she tried to hastily clear away any tears that might have escaped. Luo Qingyang scowled at the sight.

"Yanli, who was bullying you?" Luo Qingyang demanded, stomping her foot as she said it. Jiang Yanli hastily shook her head.

"No. Mianmian, it's nothing." Jiang Yanli insisted hastily. Luo Qingyang looked at her suspiciously, still frowning. Then Luo Qingyang's eyes widened briefly, like something had just occurred to her.

"Yanli, your parents were visiting weren't they? Did something happen?" Luo Qingyang asked, voice full of concern.

At the mention of her parents Jiang Yanli was pulled back into everything that had happened during the visit. Her mother had been screaming at Wei Wuxian, and had left him in such a broken state. Jiang Yanli felt her heart breaking quietly. Her lip trembled and the tears began spilling from her eyes against her will.

"Yanli?!" Luo Qingyang yelped in surprise and concern.

The next thing Jiang Yanli knew she was sobbing into the younger girl's shoulder. Once the tears started Jiang Yanli couldn't stop them anymore. She gasped for air between her sobs.

"I-I'm sorry..." Jiang Yanli gasped out. She needed to get a hold of herself.

"Tsk... Yanli, what are you apologizing to me for?" Luo Qingyang scolded gently. "If you're sad, you cry as much as you want." Luo Qingyang's tone was still feisty as always, but the concern in her voice was strong. Even if Luo Qingyang wasn't speaking in soft tones, it was still strangely soothing.

"You cry as much as you need. When you're done, you tell me who made you cry." Luo Qingyang continued, her voice a little quieter than before. "I'll give them a piece of my mind."

'You can't.' Jiang Yanli began to cry harder. She shook her head repeatedly. Luo Qingyang pushed Jiang Yanli away enough to see her face.

"Why the head shaking?" Luo Qingyang asked, a light scowl on her face. Jiang Yanli attempted to calm herself enough to speak.

"It's nothing... nothing to worry about. You don't need to talk to anyone." Jiang Yanli managed to get out between a few gasps. Luo Qingyang's scowl deepened.

"Yanli," Luo Qingyang was scowling again, her eyes full of concern. "You're too nice. You tell me who was mean to you." Luo Qingyang demanded. "You're too nice to put them in their place for making you cry like this. I'm not. You tell me who made you cry like this. I'll put them in their place for you." Luo Qingyang insisted firmly. Jiang Yanli shook her head.

"It isn't like that Mianmian. It's not the sort of thing where scolding someone will make it better." Jiang Yanli insisted, still crying fiercely, not able to hold herself back. Luo Qingyang pulled her back into a hug and began gently rubbing her back.

"Are you sure?" Luo Qingyang asked softly, sounding disappointed. "I'm really good at scolding jerks. I get lots of practice at home." Jiang Yanli nodded, sniffling quietly.

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