Chapter 25 First Day of School

Start from the beginning

Loki nodded, “As can I.”

“Okay, then, it's settled. Evie, why don't you brush your teeth and grab your bag? Then you, Thor, and Natasha can head out to beat the morning traffic. Happy is standing by downstairs,” Pepper directed.

Evie happily obliged and ran to her room to brush her teeth. Once she was ready and grabbed her backpack, Evie said goodbye to Remus and the Avengers and gave them all a hug and a kiss. Then, she followed Natasha to the elevator with Thor, making their way to the garage.

As Pepper predicted, the traffic was heavy, and it took a while for them to get to the school. But when they finally arrived, Thor got out and helped Natasha and Evie out of the car. He held his daughter's hand, and the trio walked into the school. As expected, the sight of Thor walking into the school garnered much attention from the students and many faculty, but he ignored them and kept walking towards the office while holding onto Evie's hand; Natasha had a hold of her other hand.

They walked into the office, and Thor smiled at the secretary; the secretary stared at Thor open-mouthed then suddenly snapped her mouth shut, “Can I help you, sir?” The secretary asked.

“Yes, today is my daughter's first day of school, and your headmaster, Mr. Wilson, asked us to stop by so that he may show us to her class,” Thor said with a charming smile.

The secretary thought for a moment, then remembered the director telling her about Evie, “Oh, of course, Mr. Odinson,” She looked at Evie then smiled, “You must be Evelyn.”

Evie smiled, “Yes, ma'am, but you can call me Evie. And this is my Aunt Natasha.”

The secretary looked at Natasha and smiled, “Welcome to Trevor Day School; let me let Director Wilson know you're here.”

She got on the phone and called the director to let him know that Thor and Evie were there, and the director told them to show them into his office. The secretary led Thor, Evie, and Natasha to Director Wilson's office; Director Wilson stood up when he saw the Avengers enter his office. He held his hand out to shake Thor's hand.

“Welcome, Mr. Odinson; it's nice to see you again.”

“It is nice to see you, Headmaster,” Thor said, “Allow me to present Natasha Romanoff, Evie's honorary Aunt.”

Natasha smiled at the director and shook his hand, “It's nice to meet you, sir. You have a lovely school.”

“Thank you, Ms. Romanoff, and it's a pleasure to meet you. Please won't you sit down?”

Thor, Evie, and Natasha sat down while the director opposite them, “I'm sure you're wondering why I wanted you to come to my office before taking Evie to her class.”

“Yes,” Thor said.

“No,” Natasha answered.

Director Wilson looked at Natasha curiously, “Then I suppose you already know, Ms. Romanoff?”

“Yes, I do.”

Thor turned to Natasha, “What is this about, Natasha?”

“Fury decided that he would have SHIELD agents placed around the school for Evie's security,” Natasha answered.

“Without my consent?” Thor asked.

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