Intermission Phase and Q&A!

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Hello there.

This is the author speaking, yep, it's me. Thank you for reading this fanfic, even if it's not that great, and thank you for voting, it means a lot when I see you guys voting even when I don't think it deserves one, so thank you. 

My fingers have been on fire the past few days, huh? So I'm gonna pause updates on this book for about two weeks, which is really low if you think about how long it took from chapter four and five. It took from November to February. 

Anyways, thanks again for reading this fic, and please, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them. Below. I'll be separating them as well.

Bah, who am I kidding, no one's gonna ask me shit lul

Personal questions

Star Wars questions

Kimetsu no Yaiba questions

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