

She screamed back, with fake excitement.

He whacked her with a pillow and then stood up across the room.

"I met my soulmate!"

As soon as he said that, Moon was jumping up and down while gripping his forearms and screaming, while he imitated her actions.

"You met your soulmate!"

"I met my soulmate!"

The two teens continued what most would call a hissy fit until Moon tripped on Eric's foot and fell on the floor.

They both lay on the floor in hysterics until the dickheads on the floor below them started knocking on the door.

"Will you stop jumping up and down! I have a baby down here! You British have no manners"

"Your baby can eat my British shit!"

Moon yelled back. She had always hated small children. And Americans.

The duo sat down on the couch and Eric told Moon all about his soulmate while Moon sat there listening while also squealing out of excitement every couple minutes.


sugar daddy / manwhore
hey cinnamon, it's Tony.
When you gonna be home baby?
Steve's starting to worry and Thor's asking a lot of questions about what a "masturbater" is

bri ish luv x
I'll be back in 69 years
Tell Thor his dads a wanker

sugar daddy / manwhore
I'm not going to say but be back soon
wandas cooking

bri ish luv x
In that case I'm omw


peaky blinders
My love
Wonderful woman
Love of my life

what do you want?

peaky blinders
Tony tells me ur cooking

yeah I'm making lasagna

peaky blinders
luv u<3



Moon stepped out of the car outside Stark tower and walked in.

She waved hi to the intern at the desk. It was a girl around Peters age with brown curly hair and dark eyes.

The girl shot her a charming smile and and Moon got into the elevator, going up to the "floor of food and wandas magical cooking." As she likes to call it.

She skipped into the kitchen where Wanda was boiling something with her back turned.

Obviously she knew Moon was there but she pretended not to notice until the brunette was standing behind her with her arms around the witch's waist, as she kissed her cheek.

wild child | avengers soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now