Chapter 6

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Zero pov

I looked Ben Straight in the eyes A stray tear falling from my eye I wiped it away. Had I fallen for this idiotic Elf? I believe I had How stupid of myself I had fallen for my own Enemy I looked back at Ben And Spoke "Just because we chatted alot doesn't mean I'll be going easy on you Elf boy" I walked away Sadden by the fact I would have To Hurt him in order to win A Idiotic War, But I had no choice in the matter My father truly was going to punish me For this.

Ben pov

Of course she isn't going to go easy on me But I swear I saw A tear in her eye, Was She upset? I felt truly bad I had Obviously fallen for this girl in the short matter of time that I had Talken to her And knowing I had to fight against her Hurt Much more Than anything. I didn't want to harm this Girl i had fallen for, Surely slenderman would understand Correct?

Slenderman Pov

I could tell by Ben Expression He has Fallen For Zalgo Girl Zero, And with that knowledge he wouldn't want to harm her. I truly felt sorry for Ben that Upon realizing his feelings A war has happened And now he had to fight the One he has fallen for. But Even with all his feelings he still has to fight, We have to win this war no matter what.

ben drowned x ZeroOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz