He witnesses her life coming to an end as Clayton flips the gun and he hears the sound of gunshot is heard


The lightning thunders above the forest.

Their wooden staffs collide with each other as the rain rolls off their back

Ryder swings at his sister's head but she side steps and he is met with a kick in the face which causes him to stumble

She then jumps up as she swings down at him but he gets out of the way just in time

Honeymaren for a moment stops to think as her head is hurting "Ughh this...isn't ...right"

Ryder picks up his staff again as he goes at her once again and she blocks the hit

As the two northuldrans fight it out, the river near them starts to vibrate and splash angrily

Suddenly there were sounds of trees falling down from behind them

As the sound got louder and louder, they then see a giant snowman thrown over them

"ThAt MeaN HorsE WilL bE DunKED foR THis!"

As the snow creature stands up it notices the two and stares them down

With a creepy glee forming on his face

"MArY! RyDY! CoME HeErE LetS hUg!"

He says as his hands morph into icy claws


The bolts crack so many times that it's like zeus has his wrath to exact on someone

Jane - They are really persistent!

Amidst the chaos and infighting of the forest tribe, Jane does her best to simply not get hit at all

Unlike Anna who seems profficient enough with melee weapon to hold her own. For someone like her, that was quite impressive.

Jane isn't as good though and quite clumsy so she mainly tried dodging.

Anna too tries to give a hand to Jane as much as she can

Still they are lucky that they fight each other as well and not collectively against her and Anna.

Jane - Thanks for the help!

Jane dodges the attack as Anna trips up the attacking northudlran

Anna - What kind of sister in law would I be if I didn't?

It was a big surprise once a big black portal emerged from above them in the air

The fighting ceased for a moment as the attention was diverted to the portal... and what was coming out of it

Anna then feels a hand on her shoudlers. It was Kristoff, he came back with Sven and the children who were seemingly feeling unease

kristoff : What is going on here?

Anna : I am not sure but... wait where is Olaf?

Before Krisotff could inform her of the snowman's transformation , the unknown creatures were falling out of the portal, swarming the forest as if they were a horde of parasites

Most of the creatures were small in size and very blackened

It was then that they recognised who they were.


The heartless beings were then quickly began attacking them, the still raging northuldra tried to fight them off with their weapons but it did little effect as the heartless weren't entirely physical beings

One of them even approached the ones laying on the ground as it turned foggy and jumped onto the body, making the unconcscious northudlran scream and rise again.

As the attacker angrily tries to stand up, Anna knocks her out

Anna - Jane come on let's go!

Kristoff - Kids follow su don't elt them catch you!

The flee away from the camp as they hide behind a big rock as to not be seen

Will - Why did we leave?! Mama and papa need help!

Amelia - We have to get back!

Carina - We have ot help them!

Kristoff - I know I know but if we go out there right now we are outmatched!

Jane - Luckily we can figure something out right? What should we do?

Anna - We have to find the source of this. Northuldrans are a very peaceful tribe, it isn't like them to fight without being provoked.

Jane - I trust you on that but I don't think we can help them by doing this.

Anna - Something is controlling them but I don't know what for sure.

She then remembers their eyes glowing

They then feel a slight tremor in the ground

Jane - Okay NOW WHAT!?

Then another tremor a bit stronger

Kristoff - It maybe a rock giant coming in. If that's so then-

And seconds later they look up to see someone in the air landing near them as a shockwave is caused from the landing.

Kristoff comes to his senses as she looks around the mist and dust and sees Anna on the ground with Jane laying beside her

Jane - Ouch... Anna? Anna are you alright?

Anna - Ugh I... I think so. Well at least nothing too lethal...

"How very touching"

Alerted they look back at the landing spot the dust was coming from

"Finally I am here"

As it cleared away, the cloaked figure was more visible much to their later shock and disbelief

"It's pleasant to meet you your highness"

And at last he is here, good. Elsa followed him suit so she probably comes soon afterwards.

Also Clayton is a savage from civilized society as opposed to Tarzan, the civilized from a so-called "savage" society. Ironic ist' it? Makes you seriously think about what civilised means or if it even works like that - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tagVN80SGMc&t=140s

 So yeah Tarzan is in a tight spot. His wife jane is also not yet ready for a long fights but luckily I have a plan for that. And yeah listen everyone, I will put a hiatus on this fic since I wanna rewatch the whole TANGLED the series to know how to better fit it into the story. That and maybe I got an academy stuff to do.

But I am not giving up on this story be sure, so STAY TUNED

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