Agent Carter: Bank Fight

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A guy is shown turning the lock on a bank vault

DOTTIE (holding a gun to the mans back) : I'll need the key to safety deposit box #143

Tony: Why does she remind me of Natalie?

Yelena: That is because she was a black widow from the 40s

Everyone looks at her. Natasha looks at her impressed with her knowledge

Peggy: So you guys are like her

Natasha: We were we escaped and shut down the operation

Clint: I thought you and I stopped the operation

Yelena scoffs: well you never confirmed the kill so you fucked up

Steve: Language

There is another guy standing off to the side while the other guy finishes with the lock and goes to turn it to the left.

Dottie notices and presses the barrel of the gun right on the mans back

DOTTIE stepping closer: turning that handle to the left sets off the bank alarm for pitance you'll risk your life to protect someone elses fortune... pull it to the right

Daisy: She definately gives me the creeps and we have seen a whole lot

Her team all nod agreeing with her

The guy slowly pulls it to the right

Dottie turns to the other guy

DOTTIE: Weren't you taught any manners help the geazer

Peter 2: I have to say she has very dry humor

Peggy: She was my hardest enemy to face

Natasha: Well we were put through a very strict training process

Yelena: Sure if you want to sugar coat it

The sisters gets worried looks from a handful of people

The guy forcefully pushed the man away so he can get the vault fully open and step inside the vault. Then all of a sudden he gets knocked out by the end of a shot gun revealing Peggy Carter


"You go girl"


PEGGY: Dorothy Underwood you are under arrest

Shuri: That is such an iconic line

Dottie stand there with a smile on her face showing she is impressed that peggy could pull one over on her

The old guy then pulls a gun on her making her weakly put her hands up.

We change to a scene in the main bank where a man makes signal with his hand causing everyone to pull their guns out.

People are talking as it is happening

Quill: Ohh damn they don't kid

Jack Thompson stands up on a desk pointing his gun

JACK: we are the SSR... lower your weapons

Daisy: He is kinda hot

People laugh while Jemma hits her

Daisy: What... i was just saying what others were thinking (looking around)

She makes eye contact with Bobbi getting a smirk in return

Back to Peggy and Dottie

PEGGY: you heard the man

Dottie slowly moves to put her gun down while not breaking any eye contact with peggy

Dottie then kicks the man to her side making him fall to the ground

Matt and Kate: Nice kick

Yelena: It was good form

Peggy shoots at Dottie but Dottie moves behind the vault door just in time to miss it

The shot is heard through out the bank.

A guys goes to pick up his gun but Jack gets down from the desk and and hits him with his gun knocking hum to the floor pointing his gun at him.

Luke: You guys don't kid around

Back to Peggy and Dottie

Peggy goes to run at the enterance but Dottie grabs on to the top of the doorway and swings her legs to kick peggy in the stomach causing her to fall back onto the table.

Peggy goes to get up to start fighting, Dottie does a spinning kick to Peggys face which she ducks.

Natasha: I've got to admit you are a pretty good fighter

Yelena: Oh please be truthful... if she wins she is just as good as you and I sestra

Peggy smirks at hearing this: Why thank you

Peggy goes to fight hand to gand and gets overpowered by Dottie.

Dottie holds Peggy against her

DOTTIE: New hairstyle

And slams her face against the table



Wanda: That looks like it hurt

Peggy elbows her in the face and they start fighting again.



People are sitting at the edge of their seats invested in the fight

Peggy kicks her in the stomach sending her back to hit the shelves of money.

Dottie then throws Peggy to the side who see the rolls of coins and takes one in each hand and goes to fight her again hand-to-hand.

Rhodey: Smart use of your surroundings

Matt: I really want to spar with you

Natasha, Yelena, Daisy, Bobbi and May: Same

Peggy: Well maybe before we go back to our time periods

They are pretty evenly matched until Peggy gets the upperhand and hits Dottie from behind causing her to hit her head on the table and fall to the ground.

Dottie sees the shot gun and grabs it standing up but only to be hit by Peggy on the back of the with a bag of money knocking her out.

Yelena whistles: Damn Respect!

Natasha sits there a little jealous of her sister appreciating Peggy more

Yelena senses this (in russian): Don't worry sestra you are still my favourite

Peggy goes to handcuff her

PEGGY: Love the hat

MJ: Okay all in favour in Peggy being the best raise their hand

Pretty much everyone raises their hands

Sam: I'm excited to see what we watch next

Tony: I hope its me

C.V: Next up is Mr. Steve Rogers....

A/N: I had to start off with the queen herself. This scene is probably one of my favourites.

A/N: REQUEST CLOSED (6/6/2022)

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