She chuckled and nodded at him. "Ok, then. Deal."

"Good." He stood up to leave taking a few steps but stopped to turn back around. "You know, you and Bucky aren't so different."

Alexi looked up at Steve surprised by his comment. "We both involuntarily worked for Hydra. That's where the similarity ends."

"You have more in common than you think," he said.

"Steve, why are you telling me this?"

"Just putting in a good word for my best friend."

"And why would you do that?"

"I just want everyone in the house to get along."

"That's kind of you, Steve, but I'm not the one having a hard time being civil. He's just so angry around me."

"Maybe you remind him of who he was with Hydra."

"Well, I can't change his mind about me. Sounds like something he needs to work on."

"He is," he started, nodding in agreement. "He goes to a therapist once a week."

"He does?"

"He's got his weekly appointment with her right now. All I'm saying is don't be so hard on him. He's going through a lot."

"And I'm not?"

"Of course, you are, but you're much more mature than him," he smiled. "And someone has to be the bigger person. Something tells me that's you. See you inside." He turned down the path and disappeared in the trees.


That evening all the guys were sat around the theatre room about to watch The Godfather. A recommendation from Steve's list of movies he had to watch, no doubt recommended by Sam. Bucky had never seen it either.

"You've never seen The Godfather? Man, it's a classic" Clint was excited to watch as he was heading home the next day and never got to watch movies like this when he was with his kids. "So, how's our stray? I haven't seen her today?" He was referring to Alexi who had opted not to watch the movie.

"She and Natasha are upstairs, I think," Sam answered. "Did she say she was coming to the party on Saturday?"

"She is," Steve answered a little more quickly than he meant to causing everyone to look at him strangely. "Uh...I mean...we talked about it earlier. I said....we could go together. All...all of us. She felt awkward going alone."

Sam laughed. "Oh is that how it is?"

"Guys, It's not like that!" Steve looked to Bucky for sympathy and found none. Bucky had pulled out his phone, pretending to be engrossed by whatever the screen had to offer.

"Well, Steve, I don't blame you. The way she's talking she might not be here long," Sam started. "Got to secure that before it's too late." Knowing his best friend pretty well, he knew Steve wasn't serious about pursuing Alexi, but he couldn't help teasing and watching him get flustered.

Steve turned to Clint, "It really isn't like that."

Clint put his hands up and laughed "I'm staying out of it. You'll have to fill me in on the party drama later."

"You coming on Saturday, man?" Sam asked Bucky who hadn't said much all afternoon.

Bucky shrugged and grunted, "Not my thing."

"You used to love a good party," said Steve.

Bucky breathed out a small laugh "80 years ago, maybe. We'll see." 

Troubled Mind | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now