Forever With You: Bit by a Dog

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Choi Han fell in love with the trash of the count's family.

One night, they made a promise.

Cale would try his best to keep it.

"Don't you know dogs bite?"


Cale's face was still extremely red.

The relationship between the hero and the eldest son of the Henituse household was well-known inside the Roan Kingdom.

People were shocked at first and many questioned the hero's decision.


Why would an esteemed hero like the swordmaster-nim fall for someone like that trash?

Even though their first meeting was a disaster?

There were people who expressed their support, as it was the hero's decision. Thus, there would naturally be others who judged and disapproved of them.

Saying things about how the trash of the count's family was unqualified to date their refined hero-nim.

Of course, everyone soon came to an understanding as to why Choi Han would make that choice.

Cale Henituse.

The presumed trash had protected the Henituse territory to the point of bleeding.

He raised the soldiers morale unintentionally by defending the Henituse with his holy looking sliver shield.

'No one will touch our territory.'

'Get your ass back up from the floor. We don't need babies who pee their pants during a war.'

'Fight. I'll protect our home from those flying lizards.'

'I'll be the first to go down when this shield breaks.'

Those were the words he spoke at the time and they were true.

Cale Henituse.

He really was the first to fall when the shield broke.

He was the first and the only person to fall inside the shield's protection. That was because he immediately resummoned his silver shield after it broke.

Countess Violan had immediately rushed to Cale's side when he bled.

Cale was covering his mouth with his hand to prevent more blood from coming out while being supported by Hillsman.

She knew that Cale didn't like her much.

Violan was the new countess. For Cale, she was someone who had basically replaced his mother, Drew Thames.

Who wouldn't be angry?

Even so, Cale was still her child.

As long as he was Deruth's child, she would love him the way she did with Basen and Lily.

That was why Violan took Cale into her hold and told Cale to get rid of his shield.

Cale had blood all over his clothes, yet his response was not what she had expected.

He tightly grabbed Violan's hand that was holding him.

"Huff, huff.....have to...protect the family...."

No matter what.

He had to protect.

Protect the territory where he had grew up in. So that Basen could become the next territory Lord and for Lily who wanted to grow up as a skilled swordsman.

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