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Iran, The leading regional power in middle east due to it's vast gas reserves, a country located in the western Asia, formerly known as Islamic republic of Iran, but a coup d'etat happened, ending the regime 9 months ago.


Inside the Sa'dabad Complex, Tehran.

An Iranian official presently sweating in front of the current head of state of Iran, Ibrahim Ahmadi, a former Iranian general who lead the coup.

"We lost all of the contact outside?." An old man sitting and reading some documents

"Yes Mister President."

"What is the reason? Are we experiencing some unknown technical troubles which cut us off from the rest of the world?."

"Around 8 hours ago, we thought that way Mister president, however, there's a report coming from the khoda afarin."

"What it is?."

"We are no longer connected to Azerbaijan or Armenia, Additionally, same reports came from the counties bordering Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Iraq."

"What is that crap?."

"I'm not spouting nonsense Mister President, I'm telling the truth."

"It might be a nuclear attack, no that's impossible, so what it is?"

"We are still investigating, our airforce are currently sending all of our reconnaissance aircrafts to confirm the landmass that connected on our territory."

"That's not enough, Mobilized our reserves, triple the patrolling aircrafts and ships and tighten the border security, if those measures cannot protect our people then temporarily evacuate them to safety."

"Yes Mister president."


Qua-Toyne region of Louria, March 18, 1641.

In the northwestern portion of the former principality of Louria, in the wilderness of the unknown and underdeveloped frontier of the region.

However, for almost a month, rumors of sighting unkown monsters, foreign people, and a part of the region turns into completely different landscape are circulating to the masses which inevitably reached the ears of the Legion General of XXXII Legion of Lourian Royal Army.

Additionally, they are ordered to investigate the origin of some large iron dragons fell from the sky a few weeks ago.

"General, our scouts confirmed unkown town, 145 kilometers from here, also they reported some strange insect like monster flying around the city."

"Are they rebel forces?."


"How many wyverns available for a sortie?."

"We have 50, general."

"Convey my word to the legion, we will move towards the suspected rebel town."

"Yes General!."

4 days after, a large 12,000 man legion marched on the flat grasslands of the frontier and in front of them, 2 kilometers away, are the reported unkown town.

"What in the world are those?."

Looking on the town, those are abnormal, some of the buildings are even taller than residential structures built in Jin-hark. The general can't simply understand how those thing are standing. But one thing for sure--if he sacked it, immense treasure and unthinkable prestigewill be brought to his name.

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