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YOU HOLD YOUR BRUSH. Gaze is occupied to the canvas in front of you. You narrowed the frames of your eyes, trying to focus on your painting. The bristles are tracing the outline of your subject. You need to concentrate. One distraction and the—

“Yo, [Name]-chan!”

The brush then errs beyond the drawn line, smudging the painting with a contrasting hue.  You began to draw a breath. Snapping your attention to the loud newcomer.

“Woah, this is quite good.” Satoru comments, walking past you to the canvas. He is either seemingly oblivious to your chagrined frown or deliberately acting ignorant.

“Is it?” Your mouth pulls a feign smile, going with the flow. “Oh, thank you.” You sarcastically drawl.

“You're always welcome, [Name]-chan~”

Satoru utters in a sing-song voice. He is still looking at the painting, a partial expression on his visage. You walk beside him in front of the canvas. Your annoyance somehow forgotten.

“Why are you painting the sea? When you are surrounded by all of this green?” The light-haired man asks in childlike inquisitiveness.

The corners of your mouth then curl up from his question. “It's because I love its infinite blue.” Your eyes then met with his—they are just the same shade behind his vintage sunglasses. “And the sound of rolling waves touching the shore.” Your face brightens while you dip the brush on an azure liquid, resuming your painting on the body of water. Your heart is thrumming in dynamic rhythms, feeling his stare.

Satoru watches while you are engrossed with your work. Focus is fixated on the canvas. As you are busy with your brush, he is occupied regarding you. A fond smile is glazing his appearance.

“Ne, [Name]-chan.”

He softly calls for your attention, making sure not to startle you in smudging your painting this time.

You then turn your gaze to him, brows raised in an expectant manner. “Hm?”

“Do you want to see the sea?”

𝐶𝐸𝑅𝑈𝐿𝐸𝐴𝑁. jujutsu kaisen [✔]Where stories live. Discover now