"T-thanks I guess" giving him a small smile I followed him to Hyde's room.

"D-did your um.. Brother tell you about changing his room" I can do this I can make conversation.

"O-oh er ya. S-said it would be better for him to be outside, Though not sure why he's gotta be out there. It smells and he'll get hot. Why anyone would want to go outside is beyond me its must better inside" I looked down and Hyde huffed. I guess Idiia mutters when he doesn't want anyone to hear him. Sadly I'm right next to him so I can hear everything.

"I-its just he needs to see people coming though. M-maybe have more room to play" Idiia jumped and looked at me.

"Y-you heard me!? omg how fucking embarrassing now they think I'm a creep. This is the worst. what do you even say to someone like them? Making small talk sucks." I winced. yes yes he did mutter. Maybe I should just shut up. 

"S-sorry" I said. we walked quietly after that. Hyde walked to into his room with out any problem. I did see a treadmill in there now but that wouldn't really do because Hyde didn't know how to use it. At least they were trying.

"Brother! Yuu! I'm so glad to see you both together! Brother did you make a Friend??" Idiia looked confused and blinked.

"I well you see- They um" I looked at them and chuckled.

"W-well I mean If Idiia would like I would love to be f-friends" Friends are always nice to have. Besides maybe if we're friends it wont be so Awkward. Idiia looked at me confused and Ortho flew around us excitedly.

"That's great! You should come to gaming night this week! We're going to try to get the Sword of HellFire!!" I blinked and rubbed the back of my head.

"N-not sure how well I'll be of help, I-I've never played Video games before" Idiia looked at me shocked.

"did you live under a rock?" I blushed and so did he.

"I-I mean I er um" I started to laugh and gave him a small smile.

"Y-you could say that. My hometown didn't have technology or Magic. We all just did things by hand" He looked at me weird.

"W-well if your interested I could..teach... you" I blinked and felt something warm in my chest.

"R-really?" He nodded and I smiled.

"Thank you! that would be great! I hear so much about them but I never really understand!"  Ortho looked between us and was doing his closed eyes smile.

"Great! Two days at 7pm!!" I nodded Idiia looked hesitant and I saw him messing with his hands. He seemed like he had a similar issue to me. Not knowing what to say and who to trust. 


A few days passed and it was time to head over to Ignihyde dorm. Ace had looked at me shocked when I told him I had been invited. Cater had tried to get me to let him come to so he could make some friends in that dorm. However I thought it would be best that I just went. I did bring grim however this time. It made me feel better knowing I had him just in case. 

"Ya sure ya wanna be friends with this guy, Yuu?" Grim asked as we walked to our dorm to get changed out of my uniform. I nodded at Grim.

"Ya, He seems nice and Ortho is a good kid. It could be fun" I said Grim raised an eye brow at me.

"Ya cause lookin at a screen is fun." I laughed.

"Just cause we've never done it doesn't mean it won't be fun. Besides we can check on Hyde while were there and maybe make a friend" Grim winced. I had a thing with friends. It looked so easy but the only time I had ever made Human friends was when It was from a Trauma bonding experience. I never really am able to make them on my own. This could be a chance to make a friend my self. 

beast Tamer?? ((twisted wonderland fanfiction))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora