Ninth Doctor x Reader-He's The Reason

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I'm drawn to him. Every step I take with him counts;it's a highlight that should never be missed out. Then I realized: The Doctor had become my reason to keep living again.

-September 2010-

It was a rainy night,and I had been running,running from the world,from all the insanities going on in my life. The police sirens blared loudly from behind me. Oh,shit. They're getting closer. Just when I thought all hope was lost,a police box appeared out of nowhere. Hesitantly,I knocked on the door,and an edgy looking man stood in front of me.

"Who are you?"he questioned.

"I'm (Y/n). Would you please let me in? I need a place to hide,"I begged him.

The man smiled then stepped aside."Feel free."

I gave him a tentative smile and gawked.

"It's bigger on the inside,"I breathed,amazed.

"Yeah,a lot of people say that,"the man said.

I turned to him."Who are you?"

The Doctor's POV

The lady looked at me with her (eye color) eyes."Who are you?"

"Oh,I'm the Doctor. I am basically a Time Lord,"I introduced."It's fantastic to meet you."

The lady smiled and shook my hand.

"So may I ask who YOU are?"I questioned the lady.

"I'm (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n),"she replied hesitantly.

"And why are you hiding?"I pried her.

"Because I did something terrible,"she replied then she narrated how she stole from a bank.

"You did that?"I asked,bewildered.

"I had to! My family's struggling with a lot of debts,and recently,my sister was diagnosed with cancer!"she defended,some tears springing out of her eyes.

"My,my. That's horrible!"I said,looking concerned.

"I know,I know,"she said,tearing her eyes away from me.

"Would you like to travel with me?"I asked.

She smiled."Yes."

Your POV

Since then,me and the Doctor traveled far and wide. I had to say goodbye to him for a while,for I needed to get a job. But,I know we'll see each other again. I don't know when,but I know this:He's the reason why I changed. He's the reason why I'm happy again,and he's the reason why I turned away from my once corrupted life.

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