"he's like a baby," she said.

athena grunted, "i've got two drunk kids on my hands, for fuck's sake."

"i'm not drunk!" james said.

athena pulled up her fingers and said, "how many fingers am i holding?"

"no, that's not fair because i can't read while i'm laying down," james argued, his words getting jumbled up.

"one, you're not reading my fingers, you're counting them. two, yes you can," athena chuckled. "get up, james."

james sat up and laid his head back. his legs were spread slightly open.

"i'm going to go get pissed like you two, then we can have all the fun, okay?" athena said, standing up. pandora nodded and james gave a thumbs-up.

she walked to the drinks table again, her same green cup in hand, and filled it up with whatever drink she could find. she downed the cup and filled it up again. this time, some of the liquid spilled down her chin and she wiped it with her hand. a third drink. then a fourth. a fifth drink quickly turned into a tenth.

as she poured her eleventh, someone snatched the cup off her.

"hey!" she whined. "what the .. fu-fuck?"

athena was already drunk.

she turned around and groaned when she saw regulus holding her cup.

"calm down on the drinks," he said. "you're drunk as fuck and your friends left ages ago."

"they left? whatt? i told them i'll be back!"

"yeah. pettigrew escorted them out. they were embarrassing themselves," he shrugged. "you're going to want to leave, too."

"no!" athena said. she waved her finger in his face, then burst into giggles when he flinched. "regulus black, stop pretending you give a shit about me. i —"

she poked him in the chest.

"i hate you more than anyone in this school," she said. "and i know you hate me, too. so stop acting like the good guy just because i'm a drunk, vulnerable woman—"

"what are you talking about? you're clearly drunk!" regulus said. "go back to your dorm!"

"fuck you. i'm going to find my other friends and have fun," athena said. "oh, there's marlene and dorcas. marls! cas!"

she stumbled over to them and threw her middle finger up at regulus as she walked away.

marlene saw athena and waved at her.

"hi!" marlene smiled. "oh, you're hella drunk, athena."

dorcas laughed. "how many drinks?"

"not that many," athena said. "eleven?"

both marlene and dorcas laughed this time. they took athena's hand and all three of them spent most of the night together.

halfway through one of the songs, athena felt her stomach weaken.

"shit, i think i'm going to be sick," she said.

EUPHORIA &       LUST.        regulus black.Where stories live. Discover now