Chapter 17: What's the café?

Start from the beginning

'The Wither boss. An endgame enemy in Minecraft that is almost impossible to kill. The Ender Dragon egg is required to summon it.'

I remembered Key agreeing with her too... Raven knew Minecraft far better than I did, and the Endergirl was practically born there. So why didn't they know the truth? I scrolled through the wiki article that I had opened. From what I read, it was certainly a difficult enemy... But not an impossible one...

The questions that I thought had been subdued, started to careen through my mind once more. What were hybrids? Who was making them? Why did they want the Ender Dragon egg so badly? How long were we going to be attacked? Who was sending the possessed hybrids? My thoughts slowed as one question in particular, announced itself.

Why had I stopped thinking about these things?

My consciousness seemed to fall into silence as the query passed unanswered. Had I just been too busy to think on it? Too caught up with keeping everybody safe? No... Something wasn't right... I struggled to hold onto my sanity as I felt the thoughts begin to fade along with my dream. I fought against the force that threatened to tear my memories away. It was a time, but I soon returned victorious.

I winced as a sudden throb echoed through my head, departing as quickly as it had come. My thoughts felt clearer, my senses sharper. But it all felt so sudden... Like a badly developed plot twist in some third rate story, created purely to cover up the authors mistake. Looking back, it was as if the last few days had all been a distraction. I had just assumed that having the mobs stay here was the best thing to do... But had we really planned to carry on with this normal lifestyle?

We still needed to figure out who was behind all of this...

"Stop thinking so loud." Amber murmured from behind me, snapping me out of my rushed contemplation. She opened an eye. "You're keeping me awake."

I closed my laptop and moved back towards the bed. "I'm sorry."

She smiled a little as I lay down next to her. "What were you looking at?"

"I'll tell everyone later." I met her gaze, retelling my thoughts briefly, but not in detail.

Nodding, she closed her eyes once more and relaxed. Her soft side was showing through her tranquil state, her ferocious attitude hidden for the moment. The corner of her mouth twitched as I finished the thought.

"Hey... Has your shoulder healed?"

It occurred to me that the pain from my wound was gone, it was so natural that I hadn't even noticed. I moved my hand upwards, brushing over where the injury should be. All that I found was a small disturbance on the skin, a scar. "Yeah, seems like it."

She cuddled a little closer to me, her side brushing against my chest. The contact made me freeze. Amber wouldn't do something like this for no good reason... A moment passed before she whispered something.

"Then get off."

She pressed into my chest, nudging me towards the side of the bed. I struggled to hold onto my small amount of territory, rocking precariously near the edge. "No, Amber wait!"

Smirking, she pushed harder. "Nope."

I tumbled off the side, hitting the hardly soft carpet below with a dull thud. I groaned in complaint, rolling to look up at the skeleton. She peeked over the mattress, a few strands of cloudy white hair hanging down. Her gaze was playful, smiling.

"After everything we've been through..." I said, stretching out a hand and flicking her in the forehead.

She recoiled from the attack and raised an eyebrow, but the playful aura remained. "I still plan to kill you."

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