Safe Keeping [38]

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"We're also going to leave the diaper bag with you. We only took a few items needed for fingerprints, but please feel free to call us if you change your mind. Here's my badge number and name." The officer showed them his information and Kennedy made a note on her phone, just in case.

"Thank you guys. Hopefully, we hear back from you all soon." Jon said, shaking each of their hands.

As the officers left, Kennedy slowly picked up Zoey from the stroller and stared at her in her arms.

"Are you two serious?" Paul asked as Stephanie hit his chest.

"I-I can't just leave this baby, dad. There's a reason why Sonia did this. I know there is." Kennedy said as Jon shut the door and turned his attention to them.

"What we need to do is find you two a lawyer in case this gets ugly. I'm in shock." Stephanie sighed, brushing her hair back and thinking about what to do next.

"I don't know what to do." Kennedy said, holding the still crying baby.

"She must need a diaper change or milk." Paul suggested going to the diaper bag and pulling out some items.

"I'll help Kennedy and Jon. Paul, can you get on the phone with my dad and let him know what's going on?" Steph asking taking the items from his hands and her husband nodded, leaving the hotel room.

"Shhh, it's ok Zoey." Kennedy hummed, changing the little one's diaper before Steph threw the dirty one out.

Jon was in too much shock to even comprehend what was happening. This all felt like some kind of sick, twisted nightmare that he wanted to escape. Sure, he was talking to Kennedy about having children, but this isn't what he meant.

"Jon?" Kennedy called out, turning around seeing him sitting on the couch in disbelief from the whole ordeal.

"Honey, are you alright?" She asked again, walking over to him with the baby in her hands as Stephanie watched from afar.

"Are-are we really doing this?" He whispered, looking at her, then the baby.

"It's just for today, Jon." She replied, and he shook his head.

Stephanie, sensing the apprehension, decided to step in knowing that Jon needed a breather after everything that went down so quickly.

"Kennedy, why don't you give Zoey a bottle, and I'll talk with Jon outside? He needs a second, ok?" Stephanie said, handing her daughter the bottle of formula that was made.

Steph patted Jon's shoulder as he nodded, standing up and heading out the room with his soon to be mother-in-law.

"I know you're in shock, Jon-"

"How can I not be? I know I agreed to take this child in for the day, but what happens if the mom doesn't show up? How can any of us live with ourselves knowing that child is gonna be put through an unfair system?" Jon spoke hoarsely, pacing in short distances through the hallway as Steph watched on.

"Jon, we're going to do everything we can to make sure that this baby is reunited with her family. The authorities are doing what they can and-"

"You don't understand, Steph. No money, no hugs, no legal action is going to give that family a good life. I could never live with myself knowing that we could be putting this child back into the hands of an unfit mother who would leave her kid with absolute strangers. For all she knows, Kennedy and I could be serial killers, but she was dumb enough to trust us-"

"You and Kennedy are not dumb, Jon" Steph said sternly in a quiet voice, not wanting Kennedy to hear on the inside.

"I understand your concern and frustration with this entire situation, but the only thing we can do right now is to prepare ourselves for the worst. You and Kennedy need a lawyer in case this thing goes south. Paul and I will handle the legalities, but what I want you to do right now is go in there and help my daughter take care of that little girl. There's a reason why her mother entrusted you two. Now go and do it." She said, pointing her finger in his chest before walking away.

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