“I feel like drinking now. Want some Mr. Jeon?”


Looking at his astounded face, Lisa tilted her head in confusion. Jungkook removed his glasses and massaged the wrinkles that has formed between his eyebrows.

“No, thanks. I’ll have to pass. Besides…”

“Then, I’ll just give you a cup of tea instead.”


While watching her pour him tea, Jungkook breathed out a sigh. Meanwhile, Lisa shot him a sidelong glance as she opened the can of beer after a vigorous shake.

“Whew! The best!”

In contrast with her good mood, Jungkook seemed a little unwell. Concerned, Lisa placed her hand on his forehead.


“Jungkook, are you okay? Your body doesn’t seem to be…ahhh!”

Jungkook grabbed the hand she placed on his forehead and Lisa’s good mood instantly vanished. With the familiar ceiling in the background, she could see Jungkook’s stern face up close.

The moment she realized she was pushed down, Lisa panicked. She reckoned it was a bad situation but when she tried to speak, no words came out.

Lisa swallowed her saliva several times and tried to calm herself.

Finally she let out a low raspy voice.

“Um, Jungkook…?”

“You don’t have much guard against me.”

“No, that’s…I don’t feel like I have to…”

When she stayed in his room, Jungkook said he wasn’t lusting for her. Lisa pointed it out and caught Jungkook’s eyebrows twitched.

“That was then! This is now!”

“What’s with that!”

“Looks like there are misunderstandings so let me clarify this. I do feel lust for you so please let me hold you.”


Her body trembled in shock. She looked at Jungkook with her lips quivering without saying anything. Seeing her reaction, Jungkook’s face contorted with bitterness.

“If you make that face, I’m going to misunderstand.”

“Huh? What face?”

“A cute and adorable face! What more are you planning to do to me?”

“I’m not planning anything! If there’s anyone planning anything, isn’t that you, Jungkook?

At her frantic yelling, Jungkook’s eyes widened a little. Then they gradually turned back to normal.

“Such a loud voice. Why aren’t you using that to shout and ask for help?”


“Even though I’ve gone this far, if you really didn’t think much of me, you should have resisted more… “

Cold sweat ran down Lisa’s back. She had to say something or else she’ll really be eaten at this rate. Staring at his eyes, Lisa opened her mouth to speak.

“No, I really see you properly as a man! It’s fine! I promise to be more careful next time so can you move…”

“If you see me as a man, then shouldn’t you resist more? In that case, should I interpret this to my own convenience?”


His lips touched her forehead. Slowly realizing she had been kissed, Lisa looked up at Jungkook with a blushing face.

“Um, me and Jungkook’s ideal…?”

“…are different, I know. If I had to say, I’d much prefer a beautiful face and ain’t really into women who look like a puppy or some small animal like you. Moreover, a woman who leaves her room in such state is definitely out of the question.”


“But I can’t help it! I like you! I’ve asked myself several times, ‘Why is it you?’, you know! But before I realized it, my eyes have always been following you and if I see you talking to another male employee, I can’t help but be angry. Even after seeing such a disastrous room, I still haven’t been disillusioned. Rather, I thought to myself, ‘If I wasn’t there…’ “

“That’s… I’m really thankful for that…”

Although it was jungkook pouring his heart out, Lisa felt like dying from embarrassment. When she looked up at Jungkook, she noticed that his face also went a little red.

“I don’t mind if you have someone you like. But will you please fall in love with me little by little?”


“If you hate it, then push me away, okay?”

Letting go of her hand, Jungkook slowly inched closer. Seeing his face closing in, Lisa gulped.

Mr. Perfectionist Where stories live. Discover now