The Pointy End

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Lucien stood between Dany and Doreah as Dothraki men ransacked a village

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Lucien stood between Dany and Doreah as Dothraki men ransacked a village. His hand was on Doreah's lower back feeling her flinch every time a woman would run by screaming. It made Lucien sick to see these people slaughtered and their homes destroyed.
"What did they do?" Daenerys asked.
"Lamb men make good slaves. Khal Drogo will make a gift of them to the slavers, and the slavers will give us gold. and silk, and steel." Rakharo explained to her.
"I thought the Dothraki didn't believe in money." Dany said back. Doreah hugged up to Lucien's side as a bleeding man fell at their feet and he wrapped his arm loosely around her waist. He had been gentle and cautious with her ever since the night he killed his brother. The next morning they woke and Lucien took his time taking in her stunning form when he saw bruises the same shape and size as his hands. She told him, again and again,
it was ok but he couldn't forgive himself for hurting her.
"Gold to hire ships, princess, ships to sail to Westeros," Jorah said breaking Lucien from his thoughts. He clenched his jaw when they walked past children tied to posts.
"Are you sure a home we don't even know is worth this?" He said harshly but quietly to his sister. Daenerys felt her heart drop. It was a tone she had never heard directed to her before. She began looking around at the dirty and scared people. She wasn't so sure anymore. She knew Lucien didn't care if they ever went home. He had Doreah now and he was happy just being with her. He loved her and she loved him and that was the only thing Lucien
had ever wished for. Daenerys knew he was only going along with all this for her. She knew he wanted her to have what she wished for, unfortunately for him, that was the Iron Throne. Thinking over her brother's words while she watched a group of women being shoved in a cage that was way too small. She turned and locked her eyes with the now dark angry ones of her brother's.
"Jorah make them stop." She told the older man hoping to bring some peace to the chaos.
"Khaleesi?" He asked her squinting slightly due to the bright sun.
"You heard me." She said turning back to see one of the men shoving a woman to the ground.
"These men have shed blood for their khal. Now they claim their rewards." Jorah said as if the whole situation was no big deal.
"She is lamb girl, Khaleesi. The riders do her honor. If her wailing offends the Khaleesi, I will bring you her tongue." Rakharo said to her.
"Princess, you have a gentle heart, but this is how it's always been." Jorah told her.
"I do not have a gentle heart, ser." Daenerys told him turning towards Rakharo.
"Do as I command or Khal Drogo will know the reason why." She told him. She refused to back down. Lucien was right, it wasn't worth all this. Rakharo and two other men walked over to the woman who was about to be raped, they started fighting with the rider and Jorah jogged over to help. He lifted the woman up helping her cover herself and walking her over to them. Lucien stood behind Doreah now placing his hands on her exposed hips bringing her back into his chest for a clutch to keep his anger at bay.
"What do you want done with them?" Jorah asked her once they were in range.
"Bring her to me. And those women there." She said motioning to the cage.
"You cannot claim them all, princess." Jorah told her holding the shaking woman tightly.
"I can, and I will." She said holding her head high.

Lucien Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now