Part 1

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Y/n: "PERFECT" this is the word which I used to describe when someone ask me about my husband and my daughter we were so happy but seems like it didn't last long and (sad smile) so let me tell you what happened to my perfect family

Flashback(7 years ago)
Y/n narration: me and yoongi knew each other from our school time but no we are not friends or something we are like enemies who can't even see each other in front of each other eyes it all started when I accidentally ruined his drawing I said sorry to him but in return he also ruined my drawing from then on we are like best enemies and we are not like who care for each other a bit in our college one time he took my cycle seat so I can't go to school there was this test which was very important for us so I have to go from bus that day and I was also late he seat in front of my seat and when I entered the exam hall my teacher scolded me in front of whole class and I was so embarrassed and also she told me to not to start my paper she said that I will start my paper after 15 minutes I tried to explain what had happened but she didn't listen to my one word and that day I didn't even got to complete my whole paper I was so angry and annoyed at that cat so the next day I went to his house and yelled "yaaaah open the door you catttt" But to my surprise his dad opened the door (yoongi's mom passed away) his dad said "what's wrong sweetie?" I nervously chuckled and said "hehehe uncle is yoongi home?" His dad said "yes he is about to go to college do you have anything to say to him?" I said "uncle you see my bicycle is actually is gone for recovering so-" his dad cutted me off by saying "so you want to go with my son?" I said smilingly "yes uncle" he said "ok that's alright I will call him just wait sweetie btw did you have your breakfast?" I said " yes uncle I had my breakfast I will wait till you call him" he said "ok wait sweetie" then his dad called him "yoongi come here son!" He came and saw me smirking at him he gave me a suspicious look after adverting his attention to his dad he said "yes dad what is it?" His dad said " you know y/n bicycle is gone for recovering"
Yoongi said "umm yes so" his dad said "so what take her with you" yoongi screams and said " noooo whyyyyy???!!! I will not take her with me" he stubbornly said and croosed his arms on his chest His dad looked at me embarrassed and said "excuse me for a minute sweetie" his dad took him inside and after some minute yoongi came and greeted his teeth and said "let's go" I proudly smiled and gave thumbs up to his dad his dad also thumbs at me and he high fived till then yoongi is literally on his bicycle and he said to me "you coming or not?" I looked at him with a boring look then I looked his dad again and said "ok uncle see you later bye" he said "yes bye sweetie bye son" yoongi said "bye dad" I then went to yoongi and sat behind him then he started the bicycle and I looked back and wave at uncle after you two are gone uncle said "they are made for each other whatever I should go to my work" we then arrived at college and I was about to go but yoongi stood in front of me and said "excuse me seems like you are forgetting something" I looked at him annoyed and said "fuck off I ain't gonna say thanks"
He said "huh as expected you little brat" I said "yeh yeh whatever" I rolled my eyes at him and pushed him out off my way he fell on his butt then I said "opps sorry not sorry" then I walked off I listened him from behind yelling "you little bishhhh" then the day went like this then after college was over and i was thinking to take a bus to school I was in front of the stairs to go down everyone went to their house so it was a little silence I was about to go down but then someone yelled my name "you little bish" I looked back and as expected it was yoongi I looked at him with a bitchy look and said "what is it bish?" He said "I came here to take what's mine!!" I looked at him confused and said "what?" He suddenly started coming closer to me I got nervous and said "yaah why the hell you coming closer stay away shoo" but he didn't listen he was coming closer and I was backing off I didn't know I was at the edge of the stairs and he also didn't realize he came towards me and when I backed off I suddenly lost my balance and fall down the stairs the last words I listen was yoongi yelling my name and then everything backed out then I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a hospital bed and my head was aching like hell I saw yoongi sitting beside me when he saw me opening my eyes he said "you ok? Should I call doc?" I looked at him and said "I m ok" he then looked deeply at my eyes and said " I m s-so s-sorry y/n" I looked at him shocked and said "i m ok but but seems like you are not I can't believe the yoongi said sorry to me" I said and I thought he will throw at tantrum at me but to my surprise he said "I m sorry and I think that we should stop" I confusingly said "stop what?" He looked at me and said "I think we should stop this enemy relationship you know I m not liking this are you?" I paused and said "umm I think so" he again stared at my eyes and softly held my hand which took me by surprise I looked at him with wide eyes and said "umm what are you doin-" he cut me off by saying something which surprised me by my core and seemed like my soul left my body he said "I love you will you be my girlfriend?" I was surprised to say anything but I suddenly laughed and said "yaah you can't prank me again not working" he said "I m not pranking I m serious" I stop laughing and saw him dead serious which I looking so real I then gulp and said "you really are so straightforward" he said "ik now answer me" I looked at his eyes deeply and pulled him to me and kissed him passionately he also kissed me back almost immediately then after sometime I pulled back and saw him blushing like a tomato I widened my eyes in shock and said "I never knew that you can also be shy!!" He looked at me and said "yaaah shut up" he was still blushing and also pouting I laughed at his cuteness and hugged him lightly he buried his face in my neck I chuckled and caressed his soft hairs

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