~Tetsurou And Kozume~

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Status: Angst 💔

Quote: Kozume shook his head "No don't! What the hell does she have that I don't!?" he said between sobs

Ship: KuroKen (Kuroo And Kenma)

Triggers: Cheating, cussing, mirror smashing, identity crisis, mental brake down, room trashing

Extra Info: Kuroo and Kenma had been dating since high school, they are now 23 and 24

Word Count: 1186


The weekend were always Kozume's favorite days, staying in with Tetsurou, playing games, staying up late, no worries, no nothing. They truly were Kozume's favorite days, were. Saturday came by like quickly and Kozume hadn't realized, he had pulled a all nighter playing who knows what. He logged off after saying good night, he turned off his gaming set and stood up stretching. 

He checked his phone and it's notifications, strange enough none from Tetsurou. Maybe he's still asleep? No that couldn't be he always gets up early in the mornings to check on Kozume to see if he had stayed up all night playing games, Kozume clicked dial and held it up to his ear. 'Hey it's Tetsurou! I'm not here now because I'm with my kitten- Kuro don't call me that... *laughter* leave a message!'  straight to voicemail, did his phone die? 

Kozume cursed softly before walking out of his room and downstairs where he slipped on shoes, grabbing his keys and wallet before walking out. His first place to look was obviously Tetsurou's apartment, so that's where he drove to first. 

It took a few minutes to get there, but once there, Kozume's anxiety grew as he parked, as he walked into the complex, as he took the elevator up to the fifth floor, as he slowly made his way to his boyfriend's door, and as he unlocked it before stepping inside. What was inside was what hurt him more then he's ever been hurt before.

Tetsurou... Alisa... 

Everything from that moment on was in slow motion, the shocked look on Tetsurou's face, the tears that slipped down Kozume's face, Alisa covering her upper half, Kozume smiled and simply said "Sorry for intruding... Kuroo..." he then turned around and walked out before shutting the door and not looking back. 

Even after Tetsurou called after him, even when he heard him running. Kozume just sped his walking up before taking the elevator and shut it before Tetsurou had a chance to try and stop it. Kozume leaned his head back as he let the tears fall not caring anymore. Before the elevator doors opened he pulled himself together and walked out swiftly.

On the drive home Kozume didn't cry he just drove, when he walked inside his room he didn't cry. He shut his phone off and went to his game system and started to play. He didn't cry when his Twitch chat asked about Tetsurou, he just ignored it and continued playing as if he hadn't just hours ago walked in on his ex-boyfriend cheating with the girl who always made Kozume insecure about his looks.

Monday rolled around and Kozume had forgotten he'd ever shut off his phone, so when he powered it on immediately text messages, missed phone calls and many other attempts from Tetsurou started to come in, Kozume deleted them all and went to shower, he needed to cool off anyways.  

After a long and much needed shower, Kozume dried off and slipped on clothing before making his way into his room to see a much to familiar bed head man. Tetsurou. Kozume stepped back a bit as he just stared at him wide eye "how the hell did you get in?" the black haired male held up a key to Kozume's home "you're not the only one with a spare Kenma" hearing him say that stung his heart.

He let out a sigh "look I would love to talk but I can't so go home Kuroo" he opened his bedroom door expecting him to just get up and leave "you haven't been answering my calls so I got worried!" Kozume glared a bit as tears threaten to spill from his eyes "ah you can see I am good so get out and go to her.." his voice cracked a bit at the end. 

Tetsurou stood "I needed to tell you this in person okay so I am not leaving until I finish" Kozume knew he'd be hard to get rid of so he let him talk "we... we just don't spark anymore, it was fun and amazing but now it's just dull.." Kozume's hear clenched 'how long has he been feeling like this?' he thought to himself "so.. I cheated.. I know it wan't the best thing to do but I needed to see if our spark was still there.." he continued "and I'm sorry but.." he hesitated before finishing "it's not there.."

Kozume wiped his tears that he hadn't noticed that they had fallen his sadness overtook him that sadness soon turned into anger before he grabbed onto the jacket of the other "what about me huh?! What about fucking me!? You may not feel a spark but I do Kuroo!" the taller stared at him "Kenma don't do this" 

Kozume shook his head "No don't! What the hell does she have that I don't!?" he said between sobs "Kenma.." Kozume hit his chest gently "I hate you!" "Kenma!" Tetsurou shouted which startled the smaller "God damn it.." he sighed "I tried to do this calmly but you just couldn't accept it! You want to know what she has?! Well fuck for starters she isn't a whiny bitch, she is actually outgoing, she shows that she cares, she is fucking pretty! A hell of a lot pretty then you!" 

Tetsurou soon covered his mouth, their unspoken promise broke, no matter what never tell Kozume that Alisa is prettier, Kozume gripped onto his sweater and leaned forward before resting his head on the other's chest, Tetsurou just stood there blank faced. He soon lifted his head and pulled himself away "Get out."

The taller looked at him "Kenm-" he was cut off when a smaller hand slapped him causing his heat to jerk to the side a bit "Get out." he said again. Tetsurou sighed and walked out leaving the spare key on the counter. When Kozume heard the door shut he broke down. Yelling, screaming, crying and braking things before looking himself in the mirror "I can be pretty too!" 

He tied his long hair up into two pig tails before going though his clothes and getting a skirt and crop top that Tetsurou had bought for him as a joke last year before stripping from his clothing and sliding that on before looking himself in the mirror "no not pretty enough" he banged on the mirror causing it to crack. Going out of his room and into the bathroom he destroyed it before finding some lipstick his mother had left once during a visit.

Kozume put it on sloppy and looked himself in the mirror again before banging on it this time not stopping and screaming, banging could be heard coming from down stairs but he continued he continued before the whole mirror shattered all around him and his knuckles bled. Downstairs the door was heard being broken down before Tetsurou ran inside.

Tetsurou opened the door as he huffed heavily trying to catch his breath. Kozume looked at his knuckles and then at Tetsurou before dropping to his knees and onto the glass before smiling softly at him.

"I could be pretty too... Tetsurou..."

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