A truth

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It's the start of the day and it's the day of my cousins party

"Y\N wake up" mom says
"Why do I have to wake up early"
"Yk ur cousin lives far"
Oh shi.. I forgot

I wake up and head to the bathroom to get ready, we hop in the car and head their

About 2 hours later we made it there, their house was kinda big

"Y/N where here" mom says

As where heading in I walk into a huge house it's kinda small on the outside but it's big inside ngl

"Heyy sis " my aunt says to my mom
"Oh is this y/n, you've grown up so much, Oh domo is upstairs you can take a left to his room it has a skul on the door his room is kinda messy if it's to much I'll tell him to clean it"

"No it's fine I don't think I'll have a problem"

As I'm going upstairs I take a left as my aunt says and I see the room but I hear a song coming from it, I put my head against the door and I hear him singing it's absolutely perfect I wonder why he dosent sing often infront of people after a few I knock on the door

"Sorry I didn't mean to disturb you"

"No it's fine hey y/n I haven't seen you in a while"

" hey Dom what you been up to"

"Nun im just sitting here wacthing stuff on my phone"

Hmm I wonder why he didn't say anything about his singing

"You mind if I sit?"

"No not at all"

After a while we sat in silence

"Hey you wanna hear something ?"

" yeah sure"

"You and me will always be tight (Be tight)
Family every day and night (Day and night)
Even when you start acting like a fool (Fool)
You know I'm loving every single thing you do (Fo)
I know that I can always be myself (Myself)
Around you more than anybody else (Anybody else)
Everyday as I'm heading off to school
You know there's no one I love as much as you"

"That was so good but can I ask you one thing?"

"Yeah what's up"

"When did you start singing?"

"Oh well I kinda started last year but I never told anyone but your actually the first person that I told"

"Oh why was I the first person why haven't anyone else heard about ur singing"

"Well I feel like I can't trust anyone with my talent cause they might steal anything or screw up my whole career but for some reason I feel like I can
trust you a lot I mean ur my cousin and I do love you but I've like never told my mom"


"Yeah I don't even know why but it's maybe cause she wants me to do something I don't"

"Oh I've been threw that trust me ur gonna have to tell her soon tho"

"I hope it goes well"

"It will I promise"


*we then hug each other*
"Yk your really a lot of help more than anyone in my life" Domo says

"Not even ur mom?"

"My mom dosent even like me she's only throwing this party so I don't have to bother her anymore and so she can go away to her boyfriends house"

"Woah that's bad are you okay?"

"No it's okay you Dont have to worry about me"

"no I wanna make sure your okay if you want me to talk to your mom then-"

"NO pls don't I'm begging u she's not gonna care and she's gonna get on me for telling you I'm begging u plssssss don't"

"Ok but if anything's bothering you Im here ok"


We get in bed and we face each other

"Is everything gonna be okay" I ask
"Yeah it's fine you really don't have
"As long as it's fine I won't worry I just wanna make sure your okay"
"Ok thank you good night"
"Good night"

Domonic daddyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें