9. Pouring Outside

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Norman walks up to you, handing you a book. C/n jumps into your lap as he does. "Thank you Norman..!!" You exclaim. You pull Norman down to be eye to eye so you can hug him. He hugs you back. "It's nothing," he shyly says, his cheeks glowing a bright red. You smile. Why are they being so nice to me? It's sweet but.. I don't know.. you shrug it  off.

You decide to open your book and start reading. You haven't had enough time to read for a while. You take a big deep breath in, and a deep breath out. You continue to read. But not long after, you're lost in the world of books. You flip the pages one after another, like a machine. Your eyes move back and forth from row to row. You find that so much joy comes from reading.

*An hour later...*

You close the book with one swift move. That ending sucked.. I can't believe ____ died..!! you think for a moment about the horrible ending that book gave you, contemplating it. You frown as you gently lay the book on the ground. You sigh sadly. You are about to get up when you feel hands touch your shoulders suddenly. "Aah–!" You yelp in suprise. C/n jumps off from the sudden yell. You whip your head around to see Freddy cackling behind you. That was mean....!

You can't even comprehend what happens next. You just begin crying. You don't know why, but you just do. You look down at your lap as you simply just sob. You cry because of everything. Just, everything. It's all a mix of being scared, the book ending, your mother at home, being in a house full of killers, being exposed to death and blood and just, everything. Freddy watches as the tears just roll down your face.

"Shit.." he curses to himself. Footsteps march into the room. You look up and see Hannibal shaking his head at Freddy in disapproval. "Apologize to Y/n at once," he demands. Freddy looks down. "Sorry.." he mumbles, slightly looking up to make eye contact with you. You wipe your tears and whisper, "It's not you.." Hannibal walks to you, kneeling down. He gently pats your head. "Then what is it?" You sniffle and point to your book. "Sad ending," you mumble. You hear a laugh come from the front door. Billy's standing in the doorway, snickering. "A book," he says, then bursts out into a fit of laughter. Hannibal sighs. "That isn't a matter to laugh about. You can see that Y/n is very upse—" you begin to let out a quiet laugh, cutting off Hannibal. He stares at you in confusion. You just simply continue laughing. Your stomach ends up hurting from laughing so much so you hold it and stop laughing. "Sorry. The book was really sad and I don't know what came over me.." you state, a little embarrassed.

Billy walks over to you, hugging you. "You're so cute!" He reminds you, planting a small kiss on top of your head. You blush like crazy. Your face turns beet red as Billy's grin widens. You look out the dirty window as Billy keeps hugging you and petting your head like crazy. It's rainy outside. "Can I go outside?" You ask curiously. Hannibal looks down at you. He ponders your questions for a second. "I don't see why not. But why would you want to go outside? It's pouring out." You respond simply with, "I like the rain..!" Hannibal laughs. "I can see that." You just smile in response. "You can't go by yourself though," Hannibal strictly tells you. Your eyes sadden a bit but you nod anyways. "Isn't Y/n sick though?" Billy questions. You shake your head vigorously. "I'm not sick!" You retort. Billy rolls his eyes jokingly. "Sure you aren't." You huff and unwrap Billy's hands from you.

You slowly stand up, but then nearly tumble down. Billy catches you quickly. "Y/n, don't be so reckless! You know you can't walk in your state," Billy claims. You push his arms away. "I'm okay!" You tell him, taking slow, small steps towards the door. Your side hurts with each step. You breath in and out, continuing to walk. Billy follows behind, making sure you don't fall.

You get to the door, opening it. Billy grabs your wrist. "Don't even think about leaving." His voice is stern and cold. You simply nod, looking away from Billy.

You sit on the porch stairs, holding out your hand for the rain to fall on it. It's a pretty heavy rainfall, so your hand is completely wet immediately. The exposed part of your sweater sleeve is also wet. Oh wait. I'm wearing different clothes..? You are wearing a dark blue hoodie with a pair of baggy grey shorts underneath. On your feet are some fuzzy white cat socks. Aw it's so cute! The top of the socks have little cat ears.

*The hoodie you're wearing*You sigh as you quietly tap the porch steps with your feet

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*The hoodie you're wearing*
You sigh as you quietly tap the porch steps with your feet. You hum a song that's been stuck in your head for a bit now.

After tapping and humming to the rain for about 5 minutes, you hear heavy footsteps walk out the door. You don't look. You just assume it's either Thomas, Brahms or Jason. But it isn't.

You look to your side. To your right is none other than Michael. You find he looks really shady (not that everyone else isn't shady) so you tried not to have to interact with him.

"Oh. Hey Michael," you smile, giving him a little wave. He just stares at you through his dirty mask. He plops down beside you, the porch creaking as he does. You look away to break the eye contact and to continue admiring the rain. Michael just keeps his eyes on you, but you pretend not to notice. It was in fact, creeping you out very much. You kept a straight face though.

"Do you like the rain Michael?" You ask curiously, turning your head to look at him. He looks at you with a tilt of his head. You smile and tilt your head to copy him. You giggle. "You don't seem so scary anymore," you tell Michael softly. He just grunts.

"I really, really like the rain. It's so peaceful, y'know? The sound and the small little raindrops." You laugh at the last part. "The only thing I find myself disliking about it is the thunder. It's so loud. It's just- boom! Pshh! Rahh!" You make wild hand motions to match the thunder. A small chuckle comes from Michael. You look away from Michael to face the rain again. In the far distance you see a waving hand. You squint to see who's waving. A... clown..?... you blink a couple times and the clown disappears. Weird...

You feel someone poke your arm. You turn to face Michael. "Mhm?" you ask. Michael reaches for something behind him. A stuffed animal comes into sight. Michael hands you a dog stuffed animal. It's a creamy brown color and has floppy ears. You let out a gasp. "Michael, is this for.. me?" Michael nods and you stare in awe at the stuffed animal. Never in your life has anyone ever given you a stuffed animal out of pure kindness before. You graciously take the stuffed animal from Michael. "Thank you!" You squeal in happiness, hugging the man's arm. Since he's too big to wrap your arms around his whole body you just wrap your arms around his arm. He pats your head. A faint pink shows on your cheeks. You give him a sweet grin and tell him, "We should go inside now. It's getting chilly." Michael nods and you slowly stand up.

"Yes," a deep voice says. You turn to your side and see Michael towering over you. "Yes?" You laugh. "I like the rain too.." he says in his low, gruff voice. You softly smile at him.

You turn to go and start walking when you feel yourself get lifted up into the air. You look down wide-eyed to see Michael walking inside with you bridal style. You just blush, still holding the dog stuffed animal. This isn't so bad..

What you didn't know was that things aren't going to be so good either.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter! Wow you guys must really enjoy this! I appreciate you all so much. Also, holy cow–! We just got 750+ views on this fanfic! TYSM!!!

Q: What book are you currently reading?? I'm currently reading, "It Ends With us," by Colleen Hoover. I love it so, so much.

Answer in the comments! See you next chapter! Bye for now!

𝘔𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘮 | 𝘚𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora