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Edric pov: I woke up at around 7am, not because I had to tho. I wanted to see my favorite blonde again. Sooooo as any regular teen would do: I snuck out, I tried to tell Em I was going to the owl house. She was already at her girlfriend's house.

Oh well! More time for me and Goldie to hang out! Once at the owl house I was met with Hooty: the house demon. "Holy HOOT! Hunter buddy! It's your boyfriend" I sighed "hi Hooty" I stood there for a few seconds, trying to avoid eye contact before the door opened and I saw Luz. "Oh hi Ed! You must be here for Hunter? He's in his room as always, probably still sleeping."

"Thanks Luz! See ya!" Then I ran downstairs to the basement. I went past the scary storage space to Hunter's room, I knocked. No response. I knocked again and was met with a very sleepy "mmmmmh, come in" opening the door I saw my boyfriend half asleep in bed.

"Mind if I joined ya?" All he did was lift his blankets and I took that as a yes. I jumped in and he wrapped his arms around me. "Good morning to you too" I said in a sarcastic tone. All he said was "no." Then he nuzzled his face into my shoulder 'if I die like this I sure as hell won't complain' I thought to myself.

Hunter's pov:
"Sooooo what are we doing today?" Edric asked in his usual energetic tone. "Right now all we have to worry about is sleep, now come here I'm tired." I hugged him tighter and closed my eyes again.

Mh this is peaceful, too peaceful. BOOM! The door slams open and i see Luz who barged in "hey you guys wanna have a sleepover today?" She asked. "Yeah if you just let me sleep now." "Okay cool! Welp goodnight lovebirds" "LUZZZZ"

In the end I didn't sleep I just talked to Edric. Like now I'm just laying down his head on my chest, my hands playing with his hair.

Blondie and Green Day(goldric one shots)Where stories live. Discover now